This is an update from Lindsay and Bjork on their sweet baby boy. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers, and thank you to all of you who are lifting them up in this time. – Jenna

Introducing our perfect baby, Afton Bjork Ostrom, who was born on December 31, 2016, and who left this world peacefully, laying skin-to-skin in the arms of his mommy and daddy, surrounded by pure love in the early morning hours of January 1, 2017.
In the midst of our deep sorrow, we are so full of awe and wonder for having experienced just a tiny taste of his precious sweetness this side of heaven. The moment they placed him skin-to-skin on my chest, something inside of me locked into place. I felt his tiny heart beating right over mine, and in an instant, I knew I loved him more than life. It was deep and wide and otherworldly. In our short time, we fell in love with being his parents. We touched all his fingers and toes, we kissed his sweet, perfect face, and we whispered I-love-you’s into his tiny little ears so he could hear and know our voices as we held him and let him go.
These moments we had with sweet Afton are also making the ache of losing him all the more crushing. We got just a taste, but we so badly wanted a lifetime of this perfect love. It’s a depth of loss that I’ve never known – where something so tangibly a part of you is suddenly gone. You can feel that searing emptiness burning a hole right there in your own body. Afton has left his forever mark on us, and it’s our honor to wear that deep scar as the evidence that he was here and he was loved. We’ll carry that ache with us for the rest of our lives until we meet him again someday.
You’re forever perfect and forever loved, baby boy. We’ll always, always, always be your mommy and daddy, and you’ll always be our sweet Afton

During this time, several of you have asked if there’s an organization or cause that would be best to give to in Afton’s name. Here’s a quick note from Lindsay and Bjork for where to give if you feel led. Click here to reach the donation page:
This experience has given us a profound appreciation for the meaning of family. We know that there are many others, both here and around the world, whose families have also been broken by tragedy.
We hope to honor Afton’s memory by pouring into the lives of hurting children who don’t have families of their own to care for them. Bjork and I lived and worked at the Children’s Shelter of Cebu orphanage for one year and saw firsthand the loving and lifesaving ways that children are cared for in times when they are most vulnerable.
Thank you for being a family to these children with us, and for doing so in memory of our precious son Afton.
Bjork, Lindsay and Afton
No words to say except that I know you don’t know me but a big love to you all.
I am so so sorry to hear the news. Much love to you both.
I am here reading this almost 5 years on and I can’t begin to imagine the pain you must have felt and the tears streaming down your face as you let your previous little boy go. I know the hurt will never fully heal and I just wanted to say that you’re in my thoughts and thank you for sharing your heart
I am at a loss for words. I have been following your baby excitement since you announced it. Sending you prayers and love in this tough time ❤️
I know there are no words that can comfort you on this heart wrenching loss. But know that there are people crying with you and sending prayers to you. I’m so very sorry.
Oh, sweet Lindsay, dear Bjork. I have never known such loss, and all I can say is that I pray you may find peace, and comfort and love, that your hearts may be healed and you will rejoice at the thought of seeing your sweet baby again. All my love
I know we have never met but I have been holding you all in prayer every day. You give so much to this community with your honesty and vulnerability and my heart is ACHING with you. Sending all my love and continued prayers and know your love and bravery is a witness to us all.
My heart aches for you both. I am so sorry to hear this news. A big hug and prayers are sent your way.
So so very sad for the two of you. In reading your words, I can feel the love you felt for wee little Afton. He knew he was loved! You both have an angel watching over you forever! May God give you the strength to get through this, together.
I am so very sorry for your loss. You were all on my mind since your previous post. Having had 4 miscarriages and finally a healthy son, I still can not imagine the pain you must be feeling. Typing this in tears.
What a darling boy. I am so, deeply sorry that he’s gone. CS Lewis compares grief to a man who has lost a leg, and must learn to live with only one. Eventually, the screaming sting of losing a leg fades–but for the rest of his life, the man will walk with a limp. In my own experience with grief, I have found that to be true. I’m praying for the two of you as you learn to carry your grief with you.
Thank you for sharing your lives. I hope you know, people you don’t even know, are grieving with you, praying for your healing and are SO very sorry for your loss.
Prayers for all of you. Remember in this most grief-filled time that your baby boy has shown you what a perfect life is: one filled completely by love and complete dependence on God.
In tears for you and your families. I pray that you can soon find some comfort and peace, but take the necessary time to grieve and heal. Love to you all.
There are no words to express how sorry I am for your loss. I will continue to lift you up in prayer, that you will find peace and clarity in your grief. You are a blessing to all of us, please know that you are loved. God bless you
I can’t imagine the heartache and pain you and Bjork are currently enduring. My heart aches so terribly to hear that sweet sweet Afton did not make it beyond his 2 day birthday. I wish I could offer comfort but I know nothing is enough right now. You both are in my prayers and my thoughts. I send you the biggest virtual hug I possibly can. Sweet sweet Lindsay, you did good. You did your best to be the best for that angel baby. You will always be the best mommy he could have ever been blessed with. Don’t ever think otherwise. Stay strong. There is so much good ahead of you and Afton will always be alongside you in spirit
Lindsay & Bjork. I am praying that you find the strength to continue as well as peace in your hearts. Sending you lots of love.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away…I cannot imagine your pain, but I can lift you up in prayers..❤️
My heart breaks for y’all. My deepest sympathy for your loss.
My heart aches for you, Lindsay and Bjork. Sending extra love and prayers to you during this difficult time.
I am so so sorry to hear this news. There is nothing that quite compares to the profound heartbreak of losing a child far too soon. Please remember to take of yourselves and of each other – the grief can get quite overwhelming and all-consuming. My thoughts are with you both.
I am so sorry for your loss Lindsay and Bjork. I was so afraid to read this post, but your spirit and love came through so powerfully in your words, that you feel such gratitude while suffering so greatly – you are truly amazing. You show me what it means to have God and faith in your life.
I know there are no words, I can’t even imagine your loss. Writing this in tears, hoping your hearts will one day heal. No one deserves such pain and loss. You’re in my thoughts!
I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could say that would be a comfort. I know your pain is just unfathomable, and I am so very sorry.
So happy that you were able to treasure the precious moments you had with your sweet Afton. He will be your angel forever.
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and I pray the Lord will mend your broken hearts. Big hugs
Thank you for sharing Afton,s story….your love and sorrow and pain…connecting here touch’s others who have lost and grieved….each unique…my heart of compassion meets your sorrow and pain…..I too lost and grieve my unborn child….long ago but forever in my heart and soul….God calls her Hannah…for they all are called by name by Him….he calls you each by name…your lost ones are in his care…in my day of mourning grief was not understood…so early in pregnancy…my grief was not received understood…but I cried out to God where was she …who was taking care of her…for I was here mama…was she searching for me too…then I had an experience after praying….for her name…I always knew she was to be female…in my home I took a pen and notebook and asked….had she had grown what would I have called her….I penned Catherine…I looked at the name written there by my hand….when I heard the sounds of a wind blowing outside my house…the wind blew so strong…swirling then the wind came around my lounge surrounding me….on the wind was blown a name…..IAM HANNAH…I stood up…tears whelming my eyes…danced around my home….singing dancing…praising God for my child God calls Hannah…she was as if reborn again to me….in spirit…
I promised God I would stand in the gap for all who weep…until they too receive this knowledge…all are known to our creator God…He calls each by name….after this my weeping turned to rejoicing….Hannah was safe in Gods care…with all….others lost children…born or unborn…grown and died…even us mama and papa.s too….thank you God…you love and care and share your compassion with us….to connect and flow…across the universe….a gentle hug to you all…my loss of Hannah 1978…