lemon poppyseed


Mixing some brown sugar with the  shredded zucchini to help some of the water come out.

Get straining and then put a bowl of water on top for some added pressure.

Let it drip for a bit!

Start with brown sugar, eggs, vanilla and lemon zest.

We've experimented with reducing the sugar but it really ruins the pitch perfect texture. So go for it!

It's an olive oil cake so next up...olive oil!

Texture already beautiful and we're only at the batter stage!

Dry ingredients including our cutie  best flavor friends, poppyseeds.

Just mixing with a fork, like normal.

Look at all the water we got out.  Good job, us!

Just gently fold in the zucchini. 

Line your pan with parchment and get ready for all the great baking smells!

Don't faceplant into that...yet. It's hot.

Thank you, parchment! Let her cool for just a bit.

Ugh, just listen to that top crunch upon cutting!