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Goat Cheese Scrambled Eggs with Pesto Veggies

10 reviews / 5 average

This post is about eggs and kale too, but really, it’s about the goat cheese.

The creamy, tangy, soft and crumbly goat cheese.

Do you guys love goat cheese so much? and you can’t stop putting it on every single food you eat in order to continue sneaking it into your mouth 24/7? I knew it I knew it I knew it. We are food twins with an obsession for goat cheese.

When we went on our West Coast road trip a few weeks back, I found goat cheese errrrrywhere we went. I’m glad the trendy food world and I are in agreement on this one because sometimes I’m just not quite on the cutting edge with everyone. But goat cheese – different story. Finding it everywhere on menus was so perfect for goat-cheese-loving-me because it would help make my restaurant orders a little easier. Soooo you’re telling me it has goat cheese baked in it, shmeared on it, or just crumbled around it? OKAY THAT.

Eggs in a carton.

I especially remember this one salad that I ordered in San Francisco, which, side note hold the phone stop the train – I need to derail this conversation for a minute. Hugs and kisses and good friend vibes to all of you who sweetly and privately emailed me to tell me that in fact, San Francisco is not spelled like San Fransisco, how I wrote it all over my whole West Coast road trip post. I’m so sorry to put such a spelling crime right in front of your faces on your phones, computers, and inboxes and I’m so so thankful that you corrected me. It works, you and me – I’m a little loop-dee-doo, and you’re smart and just plain nice.

I will say this –> I am generally okay with spelling but I have two issues – s and c, and e and i. I knew right from the get-go writing the post that I didn’t know how to spell San Francisco, so I googled San Fransisco (spelled with an s) but google auto-corrected my spelling which made me think I had spelled it correctly, and I didn’t notice because I was writing sometime after midnight while eating a large piece of dark chocolate with a thick layer of peanut butter: excuse of everything ever. And so there I was launching a lovely post about the West Coast to the world with the major city spelled incorrectly. Cookies for everyone. Thank you for your gentle and friendly helps.

Kale and tomatoes.

Back to the salad that I ordered in San Francisco spelled with a c.

It was a fantastically textured kale salad – with shredded kale pieces and grilled stone fruits and a lemony mint vinaigrette and – wait for it – a big ol slab of goat cheese right on top of the whole pretty pile. I came home to my gourmet basement kitchen and recreated something like it by grilling plums with chicken and shmearing goat cheese all over it, although now that I think about it I guess I replaced the kale with grilled smashed potatoes that were dipped in seasoned sour cream so, uhh, oops? But this game has one winner and that winner is the soft, white, creamy, tangy, irresistible crumbles of goat cheese.

Moooore please.

I am normally not into eggs at all, especially scrambled. But the combination of my inspiring goat-cheese-laden trip eats and my new one-way BFF Shauna, author of Bread and Wine, who writes about her love for barely-cooked scrambled eggs with goat cheese, was enough to make me think I might need to reconsider my scrambled egg snobbery.

Eggs and kale with tomatoes.

What resulted from these multiple sources of inspiration was these super soft, barely cooked scrambled eggs with a nice creamy hunk of tangalicious goat cheese floating on top and just barely melting their creamy way into those velvety eggs. I am a changed woman. And we’re not stopping there. These dreamy creamy eggs call for a vibrant something with lots of flavor to compliment their overwhelmingly delicious and subtle mouth bite. That something is this kale salad which is the easiest and best thing you could ever do to kale: chop it up really finely, toss it with sun dried tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, and a spoonful of pesto. The combination of the salty, herby veggies with the barely scrambled eggs and tangy goat cheese is perfect for single-person lunches and dinners on the fly. I know how you roll.

Although the goat cheese scrambled eggs are obviously the most important, there is lots more going on in our house this week.

  1. Kitchen cabinets! They started install yesterday and they’ll finish today and we’ll have a video for you very soon. I am dyyyying to show you how it looks. We went with clean, white door styles and I am so incredibly in love.
  2. Countertops – oh me oh my. What a beast of a decision that I was totally unprepared for as a person who knows nothing about remodels and kitchens and adult life things! But finally now we’ve settled on a surface and I’ll show you that – that meaning a 2 inch x 2 inch sample (seriously? is that supposed to be helpful?) – in the next video very soon.
  3. We’re packing up and heading out soon for a fun weekend at Chopped Con! I know I’ll be seeing lots of you there – woot! I’ll be the one passing out little tubs of free goat cheese.
Scrambled Eggs with Pesto Veggies.
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Goat cheese scrambled eggs on a plate.

Goat Cheese Scrambled Eggs with Pesto Veggies


These Goat Cheese Scrambled Eggs with Pesto Veggies are super simple, healthy, and colorful – a perfect quick and easy meal for busy weeknights.


  • 2 cups chopped kale
  • 1/4 cup julienne sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon pesto
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
  • 2 eggs and 1 egg white
  • 1 ounce goat cheese


  1. Pesto Veggies: Chop the kale into fine, small pieces. Soak the sun dried tomatoes in water for a few minutes to soften if they were not packed in oil. Drain excess water. Toss the kale, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, and pesto together in a large bowl.
  2. Eggs: Preheat a nonstick skillet to medium low heat. Gently pour the eggs and egg whites directly onto the pan and let them sit for a minute or two. Gently drag your spoon across the eggs – they should be starting to cook a little bit. Repeat this process, gently dragging the spoon across to pick up the cooked egg bits, until the eggs are just BARELY done. They should look soft and almost a little bit wet. You shouldn’t really be able to smell them. <— I’m weird about the smell of scrambled eggs, but usually by cooking them low and slow you can avoid it altogether. Toss a piece of goat cheese into the eggs, stir once more to melt it a little bit, and serve your eggs on a plate with your salad. Yum!
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 5 mins
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: goat cheese scrambled eggs, pesto veggies, scrambled eggs

Goat Cheese Scrambled Eggs with Pesto Veggies - simple, easy, fast, healthy. 400 calories

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    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      Honey ice cream? What will they think of next?! Goat cheese ice cream? I mean, I need to get out more. But I’m convinced by this post that it’s time to give goat cheese a whirl, I get all weird about cheese that comes from goats and totally need to get over it. This recipe looks splendid and such a great way to eat a healthy and filling breakfast so I don’t eat, you know, a container of Perry’s Bittersweet Sinphony ice cream, and if you haven’t had that………

  1. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Goat cheese melted into eggs is one of my FAVORITES! I love the two together with a simple snip of chives. Decadent eating right here, and gorgeous pics. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate with the remodel (pun intended) good luck! We’re on remodel #5! #ifeelyourpain

  2. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Isn’t it ALWAYS all about the goat cheese? It most certainly should be! This looks like my dream-come-true breakfast… which I could absolutely go for right now! You should start a delivery service.

  3. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Ok, that’s it. You had me at goat cheese. I mean, I love cheeses…but goat cheese? That’s like a little bite of utopia! (I especially love the lemon goat cheese I get at my local store — it’s a delightful concoction.)

    Also, Christina up there with the fried goat cheese comment? Yes. THAT. 🙂

  4. Pinch of Yum Logo

    You had me at scrambled eggs but the you added goat cheese and now I need to try this combination now. I eat eggs just about everyday for breakfast but might have to switch it up one day for lunch because eggs with goat cheese sounds like a perfectly dangerous combination.

  5. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I am totally with you on the goat cheese thing! One of my aunts, however, does not like it. I find that so shocking. Seriously, how can anyone not like goat cheese?!

    This looks wonderful. I love mushy eggs even though they sound gross. I think this (with spinach instead of kale) will be my Saturday breakfast before dropping my boyfriend off at the airport! I have an inordinate amount of spinach and romaine to use up in the next few days…

  6. Pinch of Yum Logo

    The egg picture is awesome.

    Out of interest, where do you get your slate backgrounds from? How big is it?

    I’m looking for something similar but wouldn’t know where to start looking.

      1. Pinch of Yum Logo

        Okay that being said, I DO have a slate background but it is huge (way too heavy for me to move) so I rarely use it. It was from an antique store that specializes in architectural materials.

  7. Pinch of Yum Logo

    1) I told the kiddos that we were going to have a mystery visitor this afternoon. Guess who they hoped for? You’ve got one good guess.. It was YOU (of course). Which got me to thinking… let me know when you are back in town. I see fraction pancakes or a kool-aid lesson in our future. 🙂
    2) You ARE weird with this egg thing. You will eat them all slimy and oozy, but not smell them?! No worries… you are my kind of weird, so it’s all good. Still, though… weird.
    3) You must be the most incredible photographer ever because you just made a picture of a cardboard egg carton look gorgeous. How do you do this? (Don’t tell me; you know I won’t understand.) Which got me thinking… If you can make an egg carton look this good, maybe you can take our Christmas card photo. We are sort of grayish and lumpy, like an egg carton, and you made that look beautiful…
    4) I’m all out of Penzey’s spices. We must shop again.
    5) Let me know when you want Sally delivered. I’ll need some time to prepare to say goodbye. (happy sniff) She’s been the best friend a wannabe baker could ask for.
    6) Adding too much oil to a bread dough recipe, because maybe the cook is tired and just wants to get it done, will make the crust really thick and crusty, in not a good way. Just thought you’d want to know.

  8. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Okay, wee-urd! I *almost bought* goat cheese yesterday. It just looked so yummilicious and I told myself that I should get it because it would be a good experiment to test out whether my body would react to goat cheese the way it does to regular dairy…pretty good excuse, but I talked myself out it, as I didn’t really *need* it. Now you’re seriously making me crave it even more!!

    And I love, LOVE, *LOVE* your term “one-way BFF”!!!! I have a ton of one-way BFFs!! You should trademark that! Lol, would that count as “creating your own product”, like Bjork was talking about in the income reports?? Then we could all use it and it would be more support for good ol’ Pinch of Yum!! ;P <3