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Blogging As A Couple: What It’s Really Like

Man and woman in wedding attire.

Over the last 3+ years, Bjork and I have had a really unique opportunity: to build a food blog, together, as married people. Weird, right?

What that really means is that we sit at coffee shops and talk about nutrition plugins, analyze pictures of melty cheese and determine which one makes my nails look better, and eventually get in a tiff about whether or not that recipe really needed the orange honey glaze and then throw food at each other. KIDDING that’s not really what it’s like. Let me set the record straight for ya.

Three goals with this post:

  1. Provide a work distraction for you, cause sometimes… yeah.
  2. Give you some food for thought (like that?) on what blogging as a couple is really like.
  3. Encourage you to go check out some great blogs run by cute couples.

So. Over the last few years Pinch of Yum has grown into a partnership that has brought us all over the map. And by map, I guess I mean the emotional sort, although geographically we’ve had some adventures as well. A little of this, a little of that. Like it goes. The journey was like this –>

Woman on a man's back.

Have You Always Both Been Involved with Pinch Of Yum?

Not really. I told Bjork one day that maybe I should start a blog because I was worried that my Facebook friends were getting annoyed of me always posting status updates about recipes. And in reality, THEY WERE. Good timing. I was totally out of my league (a blog? what’s that?) but Bjork took me seriously and offered to set me up with a free Tumblr account. And that was the start of Pinch of Yum.

We were just laughing the other day about the fact that when we started, I had wanted Bjork to do all the photography. I didn’t have any experience with photography and Bjork knew the basics of the manual controls, so it just made sense. Except not really, because that would have been really hard to sustain and we probably would have killed each other over caramel drips on upside down apple cake, so off I went on my own. With his help, big time, I was able to learn the photography and editing, and I eventually wrote a book on food photography that has been a huge reason for the growth we’ve seen with monetizing Pinch of Yum AND one of the things I’ve enjoyed most about this journey.

And now for a little cringe-laugh: this picture of us from high school.

Man and woman on a dock.

What Are Your Roles?

We’ve traded roles off and on over the last few years, but for the most part this is a mini-breakdown of who does what.

Currently, Me: 30-40 hours/week

  • all cooking, photography, and writing
  • comments and reader emails
  • creating products like ebooks and ecookbooks

Currently, Bjork: 10 hours/week (that’s just for Pinch of Yum – waaay more of his time is spent on Food Blogger Pro)

  • advertising and affiliate marketing
  • hardware and server maintenance
  • my full-time cheerleader, emotional counselor, and dragger away from the computerer. thanks babe. ♥
Man proposing to a woman.

How Do You Communicate About Blog Stuff?

If we worked in the same space all the time, we would have just spent the last 4 years watching YouTube videos, talking about funny blog comments, and analyzing interesting articles shared on Facebook. So we need some separation. Bjork has an office and I work on the blog from home.

We rarely work in the same physical space, so a lot of our communication happens via email.  We both have personal AND Pinch of Yum email addresses, so typically if I have something I need to ask Bjork about I literally just send him an email to his Pinch of Yum account like I would to a coworker or business partner. He does the same for me, so I often have emails from him asking what I think about a new design change or adding a new type of advertising. Email is great.

But that’s not the only time we talk about things because we, um, live together. So we talk Pinch of Yum during dinner, long walks, and in the car on the way home from the grocery store. Annnd I just made it seem like Bjork goes to the grocery store with me, which makes me a liar.

It’s something that we’ve battled for a long time because we definitely don’t want to spoil our time as a couple, our real life, if you will, with food blog stuff. At the same time, I think we’ve learned to recognize that it’s okay for us to have those Pinch of Yum conversations during our ordinary moments because that’s what we’re interested in and excited about. We are never short on things to talk about, and while we try to keep the blog talk to a minimum during our regular life moments, we also accept and appreciate that it’s normal for couples to talk about shared interests and we are lucky that we have such a strong one.

So basically we are in constant communication – all forms of it – about what’s going on with Pinch of Yum. And we never fight.

Wedding Picture.

Wait Though, Do You Really Fight?

*hides face in shame* Okay fine yes.

In fact, there may or may not have been a little squabble that just happened as I was writing this post. Life is real, and while thankfully flinging tomatoes at each other isn’t a super common thing for us, we do have our day to day nit-picky disagreements about bloggy things.

While there have been and continue to be blips on the happy radar, just like any business along the road of growth and development, I am 1,000% thankful to have Bjork as the other half of Pinch of Yum. We would NEVER EVER EVER in a million years have gotten to this point without each other. Our partnership running Pinch of Yum only works at full capacity with both of us in the game.

Sometimes people point out (in nice and not-so-nice ways) that “my secret” to the success of Pinch of Yum is Bjork. And you know what? Amen to that. Yes and yes. My food blogging road is made waaayyy better because of his knowledge and expertise. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. That being said, please hear this: as a food blogger, you do not need your spouse or sister or neighbor to be involved in order to make it happen.

Is it helpful? Yes. Is it a prerequisite? No.

Man and woman's feet.

The most important thing that I think Bjork has taught me along the food blog road is that I CAN LEARN STUFF. Like HTML (okay, very baby HTML) and photography and SEO and the beast of them all: Photoshop. Things that I would normally rely on him for. So just remember that if you’re doing it alone, you can learn stuff (for free! online! amazing world!), and you can build a team of people who can help you with the stuff that’s still new to you. Go forth and be awesome, food blogger!

How Has Your Relationship Changed?

  • We can appreciated each others’ skills more.
  • We’ve learned the power of an I’m-sorry-cookie.
  • We can rely on others once in a while (stubborn much?).
  • We’ve become better communicators.
  • We have and still do try intentionally to enjoy life offline.
Man and woman smiling.

What’s The Secret To Making It Work?

For us, I’d say the secret has been appreciating how incredible it is that we get to work together. It is such a gift. Challenging, yes. But so uniquely special. We get to appreciate and learn about each other in new ways all the time.

And not having kids yet. –> Joking, but not joking: we could never spend as much time working on the blog if we had a few littles under our roof. Someday, though. 🙂 Because babies? their chubby little legs? I die.

To wrap up this little reflection of blogging as a couple, I thought I’d ask some of my favorite couple bloggers to give their two cents on the whole spouse-as-your-business-partner thing.

Man and woman smiling.

“Finding the separation between maintaining our professional work, balancing a blog and living a separate life outside the blog is something we both put emphasis on. Because we both shoot professionally during the day, and blog when we can, it’s easy to forget to make time to just live a normal life that doesn’t involve shooting, cooking or blogging. So we make it a point to set only a certain amount of time to blog and the rest of the time to do things together that’s “offline”. We’re not afraid to log-off for a few days to focus on spending time together and with our close friends and family. Our biggest advice to anyone blogging, whether you do it as an individual or as a group, is to remember to make the time to stop-and-smell-the-roses. And to get off the internet. It’s perfectly ok to log-off. Those dear to you that are close-by deserve just as much attention as your readers and fans.”

Diane and Todd, White On Rice

Family photo.

“Working together was definitely something that Jeff and I had to adjust to. I’m a very detail oriented person and Jeff is very “fly by the seat of your pants”. For us, communicating HOW we liked to do things was huge. Once we started being open and honest with each other about how we liked things done, life was much easier. I would also say something else we learned is that you have to know when to turn the blog world “off”. Since we work together ALL the time…it’s hard to not talk about blog/work stuff ALL the time. We would find ourselves on dates talking about our next big project. And while I definitely love the fact that we can dream together and talk about projects that we want to team up on…it’s so important that you take time to talk about other hobbies and interests that don’t involve blogging. Otherwise you will find yourself getting super burnt out!”

Jeff and Mandy, House of Rose

Man and woman smiling.

“Developing recipes, cooking and photographing as a couple can be challenging, but it is so rewarding! Alex and I also work together professionally, so we’ve had a lot of practice at working together as a team. A few lessons we’ve learned: find each of your unique strengths and work to maximize them. For example, I’m more drawn to the recipe development, food styling, planning, and writing portions of our blog, whereas Alex is more drawn to the photographing, design, and back-end technology portions of the blog. Instead of performing all these pieces together (which we’ve tried!), each of us takes a lead in a certain area — though that’s not to say that Alex doesn’t write a post now and then, or I take over the camera. A few other tips: affirmation of each other is key! When doing creative work together, it’s often you may not agree with your partner on some aspect. We try to stay very positive and affirming of each other throughout the process, and gently offer constructive criticism or differing opinions. Most importantly, have fun! Working creatively with your significant other is a true a privilege, even though it might be easy to forget when you’re knee-deep in the creative process.”

Alex and Sonja, A Couple Cooks

Man and woman.

“Foster good communication for your relationship as well as your work together. Talk about where you are and where you want to be constantly. And laugh, a lot. Collaborating on Minimalist Baker has arguably been the most wonderful and most difficult things for us as a couple. We must face each other constantly and talk through issues as they arise. Otherwise, we wouldn’t get anything done. But contrary to what you might think, it’s been extremely healthy for us and caused us to be more strategic and efficient communicators. This has benefited both our website and our relationship.”

John and Dana, Minimalist Baker

Man and woman outside.

“I am a different cook, and a better one, because I work with my visual focused husband. I used to cook in a completely practical way – I just made things healthful and easy. In working with Hugh, I realized how attractive and beautiful food can be. I now think about color and texture and how the colors will look after cooking. It sounds vain for food, but what you see on the plate effects what you think of it on first impression. I want to make beautiful, healthful and tasty food. Hugh helped me complete that circle. I am also a better communicator about what I am thinking or what I want. Because he’s my best friend, I don’t walk on egg shells saying I like or don’t like something. It is good practice for me to be a little more forthright. Business aside, it has been so fun for us. Unexpected, challenging and fun.”

Sara (and Hugh), Sprouted Kitchen


You guys are so awesome! Thanks for giving Bjork and I the opportunity to create and maintain and connect with you in this space. We love you so much in that blogger-reader-emailer-commenter-friend kinda way.

Will you marry us? Wait, that got weird.

Filed Under: Life

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  1. Pinch of Yum Logo

    You guys are such an adorable couple! And I love how well you work together. My husband has helped me SO much in my blog and while we aren’t technically in it together, I don’t know what I would do if it weren’t for him when my blog gets hacked (ugh!), goes down, or I need to switch servers. Oh, he’s also ALWAYS willing to go to the grocery store for me, which I am so thankful for 🙂

  2. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Love reading this Lindsay and Bjork! You two always seem to be on top of things and I can tell how much work you both put into Pinch of Yum (and Food Blogger Pro, of course). Photos from your wedding – gorgeous! You two make the whole umbrella thing look great. I just know it will rain on our wedding day. Just the luck I have! I’ll have to buy a cute umbrella beforehand just in case. Though Kevin isn’t officially involved with SBA, he does run emergency trips to the grocery store, listen to me complain about recipe disasters, and puts up with this crazy lifestyle. Not to mention, our extensive collection of food props that overtakes the living room, dining room area and kitchen. Ooops! I can honestly say that I would not have a blog if it were not for Kevin’s support and encouragement. Thanks for this post guys! It has put off work for about 10 minutes. 😉

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      hahaah – thanks Sally! The photos feel so old to me now! The rain on the wedding day thing was actually more like SLEET, so fingers crossed that part doesn’t happen to you guys! I love that Kevin is secretly involved in SBA as well. 🙂 And I sort of, no, TOTALLY, envy his primary job as taste tester.

  3. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Wow – such an awesome post and I could never dream of co-blogging with anyone, let alone my spouse. I need to you know, do every single thing myself and do it all my way (the only way…LOL..kidding!) But I’ve often wondered how you two make it seem so easy and this behind the scenes post is really a gem!

  4. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Cute post! Josh helps me every step of the way with my blog. Kudos to anyone who does it alone, because some days I can barely make it through the cooking and the eating, forget the photo editing or doing scary computer coding stuff 😉

  5. Pinch of Yum Logo

    LOVE this post! My husband is my tech guy. I could barely write on facebook or create a word document when I started my blog. It’s been so much fun learning and creating together. It’s also great to have a “master dishwasher” when the baking days get out of control!!!

  6. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Ah, I love this entire post. Seems like a combination of honesty and humor gets you through a lot, too. Even with the squabbles that I’m sure you have sometimes, you two are a great time, and have been very successful!

  7. Pinch of Yum Logo

    What a wonderful article and thank you for sharing yet another part of your life with us!!

  8. Pinch of Yum Logo

    As new food bloggers (I’m a creative director, my better half is in the medical field) so we are late-night bloggers…really enjoyed reading about the dynamic you guys have developed!

  9. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I kind of think anyone who is in a relationship where you blog where you live and live with a partner is almost automatically collaborating with their spouse on a day-to-day basis. My husband will never get ‘official’ credit for blogging with me in the same sense as the couples you have highlighted in your post, but he is my motivator, my second-harshest and more brutally honest critic, my support system and, the very involved father to my child. I could not be as invested in what I am doing if it weren’t for his love and support. So, if it makes any sense, I say he isn’t an ‘official’ part of my blog, but he most certainly is in many, many ways. (hihi, I feel like I’ve just written a Valentine’s Day card! Quick, to my pretty paper!)

  10. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I loved the pictures in this post! You guys are so cute. I think you make a great team. I wish I had started blogging before I had so many kids so maybe I could have built a bigger following before I literally ran out of time to do anything besides create content. It must also be great (and challenging) to have your husband so involved and able to help in various ways. My husband is a graphic designer but we realized early on that it was better for our relationship if we didn’t work together.

  11. Pinch of Yum Logo

    You speak the truth. I feel so incredibly lucky to have Taylor by my side, and as I tell people, even though I’m the one doing the writing and photography and am the main voice/personality behind the blog, without him, the food wouldn’t happen.

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      Yes! So fun to know that other couples work together on this as well, even if the guys aren’t always “the face” of the blog. 🙂

  12. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Lindsay and Bjork, Thank you both a million times for all the help you give to the rest of us bloggers! Your candidness is so truly appreciated. Many times your posts have given me the encouragement to keep going. You are truly my inspiration. Thank you!

  13. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I absolutely adore this post! Like Lindsay said, while I am the “voice” of the blog and do the baking, photography and writing, I probably would have hit blog overload or burnout long ago if not for my husband. He helps with so much of the behind-the-scenes stuff, and is my biggest supporter and cheerleader. While working together all day is different and takes some adjustment, any time there is a “squabble” I just remind myself of how lucky I am.

  14. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Love these cute photos of you two! Even though my boyfriend and I don’t work together on my food blog, we do both have other blogs in a similar niche and because we both work freelance we’re together all. the. time. But he’s my best critic (in a good way) and helps with inspiration. He’s also not scared to tell me when something doesn’t look great, which friends and readers wouldn’t always do. It’s so great that you two can work together so efficiently – as a couple and as business partners!

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      Exactly! It is really nice to have that buffer between yourself and your audience – honesty (gentle honesty maybe?) is a really good thing. 🙂

  15. Pinch of Yum Logo

    This was one of my favorite posts from Pinch of Yum! I love learning from you both and appreciate those moments where you let us hear what goes on behind the scenes. And now we get to see adorable pictures of you! Loved it. I would not have gotten up off my butt to start my blog if it wasn’t for Pinch of Yum and Food Blogger Pro. Thanks for always being inspiring, truthful, kind, and funny.

  16. Pinch of Yum Logo

    As a long-time blogger I’ve read more than my fair share of foodie sites. One of the things that kept me coming back here was the fact that you and Bjork were so open and honest about the food world. That was something I found to be so much different than so many other food bloggers. Food is better when its shared and I feel the best food sites often share some real life too. So, thanks for doing that because not only are the two of you a huge inspiration you show us that there is still live outside of online food photos 😉

  17. Pinch of Yum Logo

    This is such an interesting post to read and always so lovely that you are so transparent about blogging as a business!
    I work full time hours on my fashion/lifestyle blog but also hold a part time job whilst the husband has a full time job but also acts as my photographer and web designer on the side. We spent so much of our free time talking about the blog too and came to the same conclusion – it is a joint interest!
    I hope one day we can grow it into something as successful as Pinch Of Yum!


  18. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I love this post!! 3 cheers for high school sweethearts 🙂

    Totally appreciate how helpful and transparent you are about the business of blogging — I always find myself turning to your tutorials as I progress with my blog. Thanks, guys!

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      Yay! HS sweethearts indeed. Thanks for the nice comment Kristen – we’re so glad when we hear that people find the pages and resources helpful. 🙂

  19. Pinch of Yum Logo

    You all are too cute! It so great that you all have a wonderful partnership both on and offline. I think my husband would totally be game for blogging together, but I don’t about what, lol! It was great getting to know you all more through this post. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I love this post! I don’t think I could do what I do if not for my husband’s support and help. He is so helpful and encouraging. It’s always nice to have a partner by your side!

  21. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Great post guys! We love following other blogs that share our ideas.
    This keeps us running towards our goal, to develop a great food blog.
    We love your site, keep up with the good work! 🙂

  22. Pinch of Yum Logo

    It’s so inspiring and uplifting that the two of you can work together — and happily too! With how much time, effort, taste buds, and tears that go into a food blog, it’s wonderful that you can share that, both professionally and as a couple, but still make time for other fulfilling aspects of life too. And as readers, we all really really love you too! 🙂