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Sooo good! I’ve literally been craving a chocolatey treat since yesterday. Ground up some almonds in my coffee grinder for the almond meal and used walnuts as that’s all I had on hand. Rolled them in unsweetened cocoa nut after and they were DIVINE. Hubby and toddler approved as well. So much better than any storebought chocolate treat!
This is kind of the best chocolate healthy person life hack in the whole world.
These naturally sweet whole food chocolate truffles are about to hit your mouth in their adorable little brownie-bite-esque form which is thee most perfect thing ever for an After Dinner Bite-Sized Something Sweet, and guess what? All the ingredients in these cutie pie chocolate truffles are healthful whole foods that basically make you glow on the spot. Eat, glow. Eat more, glow more. Maaaaagic.
I started eating these (and one million and one variations of them) as my little refined sugar free treat when we were doing those two months of life without refined sugar. As a result, I developed something of an obsession for dates and they now have a permanent spot on my grocery list because YUMMAY.
Sometimes I wonder what Baby Food Blogger Lindsay would think of this Hipster Foods on her Grocery List Lindsay, and also, when did I start to feel like it was an awesome idea for me to be using words like “Inner Goddess” in my recipe titles? Out. of. control. Thankfully the amazing-ness of these little round sprinkle-and-coconut-and-cocoa-coated chocolate babies distracts me from the weirdness on all levels. I don’t even think anymore – I just grab another inner goddess chocolate truffle (the sprinkle one, because inner goddesses love chocolate sprinkles?) and enjoy my ten seconds of chocolate bliss while the healthy glow basically overtakes me on the spot.
Annnd here’s that moment I show you a picture of dates soaking in hot water and you prepare to click the red x in the corner of the window. No waaaaaait! I can explain.

Just answer me this: have you bought/had/eaten/made food with dates? Because I’m thinking maybe you need to give these little uglies another chance. I know lots of people who have never taken the time seek them out and buy dates (which, BTW, Costco is our friend on this one!) and so they haven’t had the beautiful experience of tasting the naturally sweet caramely-like goodness that is disguised in that there wrinkly brown. Focus on the naturally sweet caramely-like goodness part, mmk?
I read on Sally’s blog that she soaks her dates in water prior to making a similar chocolate truffle to make them extra soft and sticky, and THAT WAS THE BEST IDEA EVER and that’s why my dates are taking a steam bath in that picture up there. I think they loved it. Thanks, Sally.
The beauty of this recipe is not only the healthy glow factor but also the simplicity factor.
Process ingredients, roll into balls, dip in decoration foods like sprinklesssss, and be done. AKA eat chocolate truffles all the live long day and be a chocolate princess. Or a chocolate prince! Oh my gosh. If you are a guy reading this post, I’m, like, super sorry for calling out your inner goddess with these fudgy chocolate truffles. Forgive?
And just so you know, even though this is more of a girly food blogger thing to do (I mean, who processes dates and nuts and cocoa powder and calls it a chocolate truffle? Uhh, MEEEE! Proudly.) I would just also like to add a quick note that Bjork really likes these and has been known to dig around in the freezer looking for “those little chocolate things” at any and all times of the day.
I guess it would be a nice wife thing if I were to stop hoarding them in a secret container for my own private stash, but, but…

Last thought of the Fri-Day –> our kitchen remodel is starting soon! I’ve been talking about it forevs like an annoying internet friend and now it’s actually going to start in less than ten days. ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh.
Even though we bought the house knowing that we would redo the kitchen, and even though I’ve been really looking forward to the change for, um, every single day since we moved in almost a year ago, I feel scared or nervous or something? What is it that I feel? I am a known stress avoider slash anxious soul, but is the Pre Remodel Nervousness normal?
I feel like a child playing house way more than I feel like a real adult making actual decisions about a kitchen remodel. Like, when does someone come and hold my hand and tell me exactly what I’m supposed to do and then give me a cookie and a glass of milk?

On a related note, we will definitely be displaced during the remodel, being a food blogger and all and needing things like A FUNCTIONAL KITCHEN, and since we have several conferences and other travel-ish things in October, we are contemplating a month (like literally a full month) on the road. A little cabin rental, a little work project completion, a fun time? This is either the most awesome thing ever or a completely horrible idea. I’m getting flustered thinking about the decision which is actually good timing – pass the truffles pleez.
If you have any feedback at all – should we stick around and live with my parents? (HI MOM, I’ll call you.) Should we take advantage of the time/freedom and get out of town for a little adventure? Should we fast forward time and just be done with the whole thing and have it be completely stress free? YEY!
I covet your experience, stories, and advice because I honestly feel like I am a five-year-old pretending to be thirty and responsible for big house things. HALP.
And with that, one more truffle.

Just in case I never fully explained the food (which I didn’t! distraction city over here) –
These truffles are actually made from dates soaked in water to soften and get extra yummy, and then are processed with nuts OF YOUR CHOICE YAY! and a little almond meal to help things stick, and then a good scoop of deep dark (or not) cocoa powder, a splash of vanilla, and a few generous pinches of sea salt because all chocolate needs a salty bite like that. Even though the chocolate sprinkles don’t fit the inner goddess healthy glow theme we have going on here, I have no shame admitting that they are my ultimate favorite to roll the truffles in because of their sprinkle-happy-texture. Do whatever you need to do, friends. For me, I need to do chocolate sprinkles. ♡
Inner Goddess Chocolate Truffles
- Total Time: 15 minutes
- Yield: 18–24 truffles 1x
These Inner Goddess Chocolate Truffles are made with just six healthy ingredients – dates, nuts, almond meal, cocoa, vanilla, and sea salt. So delicious!
- 14 medjool dates, pitted
- 1/2 cup nuts (any kind – I like to use pecans)
- 3/4 cup almond meal (or any other finely ground nuts)
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (more to taste)
- cocoa, sprinkles, and flaked coconut for topping
- Soak the dates in hot water for a few minutes to soften. Drain and squeeze out excess water.
- Pulse the nuts, nut meal, and cocoa in a food processor until finely ground. Add the dates, vanilla and sea salt and pulse until a thick, sticky dough ball forms. Remove the dough ball from the food processor – taste and add any salt or other flavors you want (like peppermint extract around the holidays – yummay).
- Roll the dough into small balls – you should be able to get 18-24. Roll the balls in toppings of your choice like cocoa powder, chocolate sprinkles, or flaked coconut, or you can just leave them without any toppings for a not-super-cute-but-still-tastes-good snack. Place on a baking sheet and store in the freezer until they are hard enough not to stick together. Transfer to an airtight container and keep in the refrigerator or freezer.
- Prep Time: 10 mins
- Cook Time: 5 mins
- Category: Dessert
- Cuisine: American
Keywords: chocolate truffles, healthy truffles, truffle dessert
Having just moved to the west coast, I need to get used to saying things like “inner goddess” so that is workin’ for me. So are the dates. I LOVE using dates to be a sneaky, healthy recipe making ninja and I could eat about 30 of these no prob.
P.s Go on an adventure! Doitdoitdoit!
These will be heavenly. Another riff is to use some flavor of alcohol (almond, raspberry, “brown liquors, orange essence) in the soaking liquid or as drops of flavor in the truffles themselves. Real extracts and essences best though, if so inclined, candy flavors such as butter rum or maple can be divine. The less “natural” the ingredients, the farther away from the spirit of the recipe. No.pun.intended. Toasting the almond or hazelnut meal is also delightful. Thanks for this recipe as we all make a conscious effort to eat more local, less-processed food.
Beautiful, delicious, AND healthy?! That is the truffle trifecta! 🙂
This is so wonderfully brilliant, because I’m trying to stick to eating more whole foods but have been really wanting something that feels kinda indulgent. And then I see this recipe in my Twitter feed and know it’ll be at least somewhat wholesome because you posted it. YAY! My I’ll-be-trying-on-wedding-dresses-in-three-months diet thanks you for not letting me cave and get a Twix bar.
P.S. I vote cabin! Just one with a good kitchen, at least 😉
So glad! Go inner goddess truffles!
These look amazing. I can’t believe they are healthy. Definitely bookmarking these to try soon. Thanks for sharing!
I vote for a month on the road. Bc it’s very rare as an adult to have an entire month to get away from the routine. Take advantage of it!
on the road, all day everyday…i mean this is like once in a lifetime kind of deal you guys. do it do it do it. and make sure to have plenty of truffles with you 🙂
Oh, I don’t know what I’d decide!! A month of getting away sounds awesome…but I’m the kind of girl who would want to check up on the kitchen, like, every day ten times a day….
My husband and I lived with family for a summer between moves once, and it actually worked out great. So, that’s definitely not a bad option.
Right. Exactly how I feel. And yet the allure of the road adventure is so strong…
Yeah, I think it could actually be kind of fun! Then again, those sound like famous last words. 🙂
I love dates! The type I like to buy don’t need to be soaked because they are super soft. They typically come in a cardboard box. They still have the pit inside, but they are easy to remove. I think they are imported from Iran.
I’ll be doing the “no processed sugar” thing in October, so dates will be my friend.
Stop it, these are too beautiful! My goodness they look delicious! These look like they would make great little Christmas gifts. Hmm. now you’ve got me thinking!
Wow, those look fantastic. I have been trying to make better choices for myself and the evening after dinner is when I really feel the inner struggle and now you’ve given me some inner goodness. Thanks Lindsay.
Yum! I make treats like this all the time for the kids. We’re big fans of dates around here. You should definitely take the month on the road! It’ll feel like extreme home makeover when you come home and have the kitchen of your dreams. Plus that’s one of the greatest things about working from home, you can pretty much work anywhere!
I keep having this vision of the big reveal when I walk in and either kick myself for something or fall in a heap of happiness on the floor. Hahaha!
I love dates and how sticky, sweet and caramely they are.
I think you should take the time to travel. You deserve a break and the time to travel and enjoy life as much as everyone else. You could always find wifi in a cafe a do a post or two with some photos of your trip as you go along?
Anything to trick my truffle loving brain into thinking it’s indulging! YUM!
Oh man, this definitely looks like crack! Yum!!
I have just recently re-tried dates (for like the bazillionth time), and finally fell in love…after at least a year of wishing I could like them and make all those yummy date-based recipes. I found out there was a huge difference between the dates I used to buy and Medjool dates…whhiiiich are awesome!! These truffles look delicious!
As to what to do with yourselves during the kitchen remodel (can’t wait to see that when it’s finished! :)), I’d say do whatever would relax you, make you the most comfortable and take your mind off of the nervous stress. It’s different for everyone…me, I think I’d be the travel type, as I love vacations of any sort! Whatever you do, hope you have a great time!! 🙂
Yes! Medjool is the ticket to all the yumminess.
These look AH-MAZING!! Definitely trying these, and my gluten-free daughter can have some too, if I decide to share:) I vote with everyone else for ROAD TRIP and cabin! Fall trees will be in full bloom, what could be better?
You OWN your hipster grocery list! These look great!
awww yeah. Thanks girl!
Oh I so hear ya on the dates. Used to think they would never ever be able to find a way into satiating my sweet tooth. Until I finally tried soft and juicy and oh so lovely medjool dates. Buying em almost weekly too now 🙂
Ok, I might be willing to give dates another try if it means I can eat MORE chocolate truffles. I have the Costco size bag in my pantry and am looking for ways to use dates so this is ideal. Thanks!
Heck yes – to the month long travel plans! And heck yes to eating and glowing and repeating! And heck yes to “little uglies” that make fantabulous truffles like yours!
These are amazing! Chocolate, and good for you too. What a wonderful idea!
I’m a fan of dates (my Mom makes these amazing date pinwheel cookies that I devour) so I’m always looking for new ways to use them. Plus, I can’t say no to a healthy truffle 😉
Oh, and my vote is for a month on the road,because travel is always a good ice 🙂
Date pinwheels? For cute.
Can’t wait to give these a try. Also I think I just decided that everyone is getting a box of these for Christmas :P.
I use dates in no-bake granola bars and raw brownies. And sometimes just grab two or three as a sweet snack if I am in a hurry and craving something sweet.
I vote month on the road!
We just spent the whole summer and into September having a front yard/exterior of house remodel. As a teacher, I was here to monitor the work. Stressful and not fun, yet glad I could be here to monitor progress and get things done the way I wanted them done. The renovations continued into my first couple weeks back at work, and sure enough, a few things didn’t get done to my satisfaction. So, how much of a control freak are you when it comes to how you want your kitchen designed? That might be your bottom line factor in making your decision. Much as I hated the stress, I wanted to have some control over how the remodel progressed. Good luck! Can’t wait to hear all about it and see pics, b/c we know you’ll share!
Same here! We’ve had so many things done in our yard this summer and every time it seems like there’s something we have to be there to “fix” aka ask nicely if they can fix because we are awful DIYers. Good advice!
Come on!!! These are gorgeous. And I can make them allergy-friendly for my kiddos too! Win!