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Thank you so much for this recipe! After trying this smoothie, I’ve branched out quite a bit to all kinds of kale smoothies. I have never enjoyed kale very much before this, but now I drink it every day. Thanks! 🙂
You won’t even believe this right now: IT’S SNOWING.
I’m sitting on the couch and looking out at the world of white as the sun starts to come up in our little Yum Sweet Home neighborhood, watching the cutest kiddos run out to their bus stops with ridiculous hats and boots and mittens and disproportionately huge backpacks, whiiich has nothing to do with winter but is important for the supercuteness factor nonetheless. And I can see Honey, our neighborly golden retriever, walking down the unplowed street while trying to lick at the snow landing on her face and making the whole world an infinitely better place with a bouncy-waggy tail and her biggest ever dog smile.
If you couldn’t tell, I’m sort of loving this whole scene.

When we lived in the Philippines – I think that’s when I realized that I have this deep sense of Home buried in the fabric of my soul. Dramatic much? I’m just bringing it. Some people can come and go and be awesomely adaptable and feel comfy and settled wherever they land. You who are like that – I envy you. I especially envied you when I lived in another climate halfway across the world and had a really hard time making it feel anything like home. Then on the flip side, some people are less adaptable have really clearly defined things that make a place feel like Home. That’s me, and I think that might just be Minnesotans in general.
*cue comment flood from Minnesotans who hate winter* okay okay fine! I take it back.
Maybe it’s because the Minnesota weather is so extreme, and by riding the roller coasted of the emotional ups and downs of the Minnesota seasons (negative forty! I HATE THIS PLACE) a person comes out of the dark times being more bonded with their home and better able to appreciate its wildness. Maybe? That’s sort of how it feels for me.

Either way, Minnesota has always been my home, and snow around the holidays – especially that magical first snow that’s happening right now! squeee! – just quenches some sort of inner thirst I have for the feeling of homey-ness. Really, that’s how I feel – like something warming and wonderful is pouring out onto a sponge in my heart or soul or something in me, and we (myself and my soul and the sponge) are just soaking it up like there is no tomorrow.
Full disclosure –> somewhere in there, I think there’s this tiny bit of another sort of feeling that I’m sensing. Dread? Panic? Doom? Like, already, winter? ALREADY?
But ignoring.

So this smoothie! I didn’t even talk about the smoothie yet.
This smoothie is what I’ve been making over the last few days in between the few holiday-ish recipes that I’ve been trying out, which are coming to you soon and they are really delicious LIKE WHOA. But I just need one or two more days to get them ready.
As I’ve been trying these recipes out, my eating schedule has been something like this:
- Pumpkin pancakes
- Green Apple Smoothie
- Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
- Green Apple Smoothie
- More Potatoes in a Creamy Sauce with lots and lots of CHEESE
- Green Apple Smoothie
- Easiest Turkey with more Gravy
- Green Apple Smoothie
- Sage Stuffing with the most delicious Spicy Sausage
- Green Apple Smoothie
I have this dilemma where it’s the holidays and I want to eat all the really good food all the time but I can’t because I’m too full from the last awesomely huge meal. It’s a little embarrassing to type that out. Any relaters? Please?
So my idea with this smoothie was to make something that would give me the healthy stuff I wanted (I SEE YOU KALE) while still tasting ultra-festive and leaving me room for the next holiday feast.

Pay close attention now, kids: the secret ingredient here is apple cider. Ohhhhhh man, that is yummy stuff. We bought a bunch of it this year from a local orchard, and after doing the sugar free thing for 60 days, it’s honestly just a little too sweetly potent for me, so after blending it with a handful of big, power-packed kale leaves and a half or full banana for good texture, I water the whole thing down a bit with either just, uhmmm, water, or else a handful of ice to make more of a chilled smoothie-esque thing.
It seriously tastes like a delightfully juicy green apple, sipped through a straw. I love it so much.
In previous versions I’ve added nuts, flaxmeal, nut butter, cinnamon, pumpkin, pomegranate seeds… all the festive things are welcome at this party.
So. I think it might be time for me to make one of these, seeing as to the fact that the snow is falling, and the fact that I’m in need of healthy breakfast after last night’s comforting chicken wild rice soup, and the fact my holiday hormones are currently on overdrive with this snow making magic right outside my window.
To healthier, glowier holidays! Or something.

Holiday Detox Green Apple Smoothie
- Total Time: 7 minutes
- Yield: 1 big smoothie 1x
This Holiday Detox Green Apple Smoothie is festive, nutritious, and perfect for snacking on between those decadent holiday meals.
- 1 banana (or half is plenty if you’re watching sugar)
- 1–2 cups kale, stems removed
- 1 cup apple cider (no sugar added – just the real stuff)
- 1 cup water or ice
- optional extras: flaxmeal, nuts (I used pecans), nut butter
- dash of cinnamon
- pomegranate seeds for topping
- Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Use water for a juice-like texture and ice for a smoothie-like texture. Add in any extras you want for extra protein, fiber, or healthy fats.
- Stir in a dash of cinnamon, top with pomegranate seeds, and enjoy!
The smoothie naturally separates a bit after it rests, so you may find that there is a layer of foam and kale-textured-stuff on the top. You can either stir to reincorporate it, eat it, or skim off the top to remove. I would also suggest eating the pom seeds before sipping up the drink since because they will get stuck in the straw which can drive some people *points to self* completely crazy.
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Cook Time: 2 mins
- Category: Breakfast
- Cuisine: American
Keywords: detox smoothie, apple smoothie, green smoothie
We are brain twins. I totally was working on a smoothie yesterday…for this reason! It saves room for all the holiday food goodness…but also gives me a kick in the healthy butt.
Whatever that means.
ALSO. SNOW?! I live in seattle…so it’s raining. Liquid snow?? I am jealous to say the least.
GORGEOUS photos too! Pinned!
Thanks Taylor! Enjoy the … um… liquid snow! Does Seattle ever get real snow? I hope so, even if you don’t 😀
This smoothie looks amazing! Love the addition of pomegranate on the top!
I totally hear what you’re saying about the climate making you feel at home. I grew up in Australia but now live in London and every time the sun hits my skin I feel at home 🙂
I’m so amazed at people who live in London, my ultimate obsession, sigh! Lucky.
Smoothie looks fantastic, need a little detox after eating all the kids Halloween candy. And the pom arils on top are to die for. Poms were on sale here, 4 for $1.50! Bought 28 of them. Check out clerk thought I was a total fruit loop. And that’s partially true.
We just moved from minneapolis to omaha a few months ago and I saw this storm and actually got jealous of everyone still in the cities!! Must be a weird Minnesotan thing.
Haha – I’ll enjoy a few extra minutes in the snow in your honor. There’s something just weirdly fun about it.
My son was just saying at breakfast this morning (after watching the weather report and the impending polar vortex headed our way) that he hoped it would snow soon! While I love the snow and I would probably not adapt to a home with no seasons…I am still loving fall and the colors it brings…so I’m happy to be further east than you… although my son would be thrilled to be in Minnesota today!
I can only dream of snow over here in Singapore! Jealous much!
I’m a little bit jealous of that snow… though I KNOW we will be getting plenty in New England this year! We just bought a house and a brand new snow blower and I can’t wait to sit in the family room by the fire (and watch my husband snow blow through the window!). Also, I totally need this detox smoothie after this weekend 🙂
Oh my gosh, hilarious. 🙂 ME TOO.
SNOWING?!?! Omg, so crazy!! And weird…gah! Also, I’m in dire need of this smoothie…so yummy looking 🙂
Mmmm 🙂 This looks amazing!! I grew up in Iowa, but now live in Seattle, and do NOT miss Midwestern winters one bit…ok fine…maaaybe a little bit, because there really is nothing like a white Christmas morning with hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls!
I know! Now if we can just replicate this for Christmas morning…
I am on the same page as you! On one had it’s like ‘Aw yay, snow! cider! Warm things!’ then in January it’s like ‘I hate this place!’
Yep. You know it.
I’m on my way to the airport, heading for the sunshine. Happy about that, but seriously worried about missing my morning trip to my garden to grab some kale for my smoothie! Is that weird? Love your apple cider idea! Have fun in the snow.
Thanks Elaine! I’m about to venture out onto the roads to grab a late lunch… wish me luck!
I grew up in New York’s Hudson Valley and went to college in Buffalo. I have to tell you these St. Louis winters just don’t do it for me. Will you please share some of your lovely Minnesota snow? Pretty please?!
As a fellow Minnesotan, SNOW DAY!!!! I do feel a bit differently about snow 5 children later…that’s a lot of snow clothes, man. But even so, we’re enjoying it today. Just don’t make me go anywhere!!
Oh, and this smoothie looks delish:-)
Hahaha – so cute! Hope your kiddos are enjoying it!
Seriously yum! I adore apple cider in smoothies, especially blended with a bit of pumpkin spice or cinnamon, and love the use of kale here vs. spinach. I always overdo it and it’s so dang bitter.. but I’m such a fan of your 4-ingredient green smoothie I have to give this one a whirl!
Love the addition of pumpkin! I’ve been doing that lately too – so yummy!
First – I am TOTALLY there with you on the overeating during the holidays! After a big meal I just want to eat more of the yummy stuff, but it has to wait! (A little while, anyway… 🙂 )
Second – what is making the carb count so high? Doesn’t seem like it should be. What am I missing?
Banana has about 30g carbs and so does the apple cider. So I think the naturally occurring sugar in this is what adds to the carbs.
It seriously snows this early over there? Well, I know, it obviously does, but … wow! I’d love more snow over here in the UK! We get a few inches a few times a year and that’s it most years.
The smoothie looks wonderful … definitely a power smoothie … and I love that you’ve added the pecans!
Usually not! This is extremely early. Usually the first snow is sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Kansas weather is kind of similar – ups and downs too. It can be really cold in January!
This smoothie – it’s happening! And apple cider – genius!
My parents supply us with a crazy load of apples from the orchard every fall. I HAVE to us them in smoothies more often. Thanks for that reminder. And it is snowing here too (here being Calgary). It had been going pretty much non-stop since yesterday morning. Waahhh…I am one of those other people who wishes to be back in Thailand as soon as winter hits.
Ah! We’re snow buddies! Except I’ll take yours and you can head back to SE Asia! 🙂
I live in northern Minnesota and I can’t imagine not being here for the holidays/winter season. I love the first snow especially.
I totally get ya with the super filling recipe testing… holy moly. I type as I’m about to pull peanut butter cookies out of the oven, that are just for myself… But I still get ya! This smoothie recipe is 100% perfect because I am trying wedding dresses on the DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. Seriously, what am I thinking?! I’m gonna have to eat like a bird Christmas day. But this smoothie should help! Thank you!
Oh my! That’s brave! 🙂 But don’t skimp too much – Christmas only comes once a year!
YIKES – snowing in Minnesota already?!?! I can make my home anywhere where the temps are above 60 – anywhere cooler and I wish I were a bear and could hibernate the whole entire time!
Awesome smoothie to detox with – love the apple cider added in!
“kale-textured stuff” –> hilarious 🙂
You can buy really wide stainless steel straws that seeds won’t clog. Trust me. My year and a half of kale-pomegranate seed smoothies trained me in on how to deal with the clogged straw issue.
***Alert: A totally anonymous teacher was just busted by a handful of fifth graders who may have been forgotten about and had to wander back from music class by themselves because a certain teacher might have neglected to pick them up because she was busy watching pretty snowflakes and reading about smoothies… They say “hi!”
HAHAHAHA. This!! Loving this.
I’m an Army Brat, and I only lived in MN for a few years, but I lived in the Midwest until the summer between freshman & sophomore years. Now I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest (Oregon, the best part!) but I still long for snowy winters.
Ooh, but the PNW is so incredible! We loved Oregon!
That’s a great one! I love to make juices and smoothies. We have a juicer and it’s perfect for getting veggies for the kids. We just add plenty of apples and pears to the kale, carrots, celery, cucumber, etc.
I wish we had a juicer! I think I could get the texture of this even more awesome. I actually tried adding an apple but it just didn’t quite work with the blender. Kinda gross. Maybe I’ll add juicer to my Christmas list.
What a great plan, rotate a smoothie with all of that “bad food” we are going to start eating. This sounds delicious.
I just want to start off by saying that I absolutely love your website! I check it out almost every day and get excited when you post a new recipe. Your personality shines through and so far, every recipe that I’ve made of yours has been absolutely delicious. Having said that, I just wanted to pop in a little request for more healthy food ideas. I have looked at your recipe index and have found quite a few archives of healthy/superfoods/vegan stuff, which is great. But lately it seems like a lot of the recipes are perhaps labeled as “healthy” but then have butter, cheese, and sugar. Now more healthy things may not be your cup of tea, and it is your blog, so I totally respect that!! It’s just that I am craving healthier options, as somebody living with cancer, and so when I see things on your website that I feel I can make and feel really good about, I get really excited! I love the fact that you guys went sugar-free for 60 days, I have really cut most sugar out of my diet, and it’s been hard, but I do feel better about it. So just a little request from an admirer– any other healthy recipes without things like much dairy or sugar would be so appreciated! Keep up the good work, I tell my family and my friends about your wonderful blog all of the time!
Thanks Samantha! If you ever see something that you are concerned about you can always email me and I’ll take a look at how it’s categorized.
Thanks Lindsay! Enjoy the first snowfall! 🙂