We were able to partner with AllModern to help us furnish the space, so pretty much anything cool you see in these pictures is probably from them. ✨
TWO YEARS. This post has been almost two years in the making.
On November 1st, 2015, we got the keys to a stunning studio space in Minneapolis with 12 large windows and 3,000 square feet of original hardwood floor, brick, and exposed beam ceilings. It was incredible.

Also: incredibly overwhelming.
This studio is literally three times bigger than the livable square feet in our small 1940’s house, and we moved in with exactly zero pieces of furniture to get us started. Bjork and I had never had a physical office before besides our kitchen table at home. It was a dream – but a dream that didn’t quit, considering we needed to reconfigure the space for new light fixtures, “walls”, and electrical stuff in the kitchen.
And the process still hasn’t ended even after six months, twelve months, and now almost two years of set-up.
I have been waiting to do this “reveal” until we were totally ready – you know, the day when you finally feel like everything is just perfect and your ultimate vision is finally achieved. But – surprise, surprise – we’re two years into our lease and that day has yet to come. I look around at this industrial-meets-modern-meets-practical space and I feel a huge sense of pride, and I can also easily spot anywhere from 750-1,000 outstanding projects that still need to be both started and finished. It’s beautiful and I love it AND I still have so much more I’d like to get just right. Gah. Is it just perfectionists that struggle with this?
There’s probably a lesson in there somewhere – something about how it’s the journey and not the destination? even in interiors, design, and the creation of a space? But that sounds too serious. This post is not to talk about lessons.
This post is to throw open the doors and say (finally, after two years), GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE AND HAVE A LOOK AROUND, FRIENDS!

Obviously the most important place in the studio.
This is a hard-working kitchen that puts out at least 3 if not more like 4-5 recipes per week. There is recipe testing for blog posts, ingredient prep for videos, and lots and lots and lots of eating. The kitchen is probably the most locked in in terms of style – all credit to the chalkboard sign with the handwritten recipe for Magic Green Sauce (thanks, Heidi!) and the moose head on the doors which we still haven’t named yet.
I really, really love this studio kitchen.
Kitchen Style/Decor Favorites:
- AllModern Adorable Mini Pendant Lights
- AllModern Moose Head
- AllModern World’s Most Fun Fridge
- AllModern Modern Euro-Style Bar Pulls (we didn’t get all new cabinets, but we did paint the existing bank of cabinets white and give them some new pulls, as well as adding open shelves where there were once upper cabinets, to give the kitchen a magically fast and affordable modern update)


Our offices are all super open-concept, meaning that we’re tucked up into corners or against walls but no one really has a walled-in OFFICE office. So when I say “offices,” I guess I just mean the desks that people work at. It’s nice because we’re a small and friendly team, but it’s also not nice when you need something to be quiet or you don’t want people to hear you recording a podcast (Bjork), and tutorial video (Alana), or a nerdy Instagram story (Lindsay). Maybe someday we’ll build out real walls so people can have some alone time when they need to get right down to work, but for now, we’re making it work.
Speaking of offices. If you’re wondering if Sage has a little “office” next to my desk where she works as Chief Lazy Girl of the office, the answer is yes. If you’re wondering if she ever just kinda leans her head out of her ACTUAL HEATED DOG BED to get a drink of water without even standing up, the answer is omg yes and you would die laughing if you could see it. What a gem, that girl.
Office Style/Decor Favorites:
- AllModern Hashtag Sign
- AllModern Very Modern Coat Rack
- AllModern Shaggy Rug
- AllModern Pouf-y Pouf (which I also ordered for my house)

Common Areas

Common areas is what I’m term-ing the remaining 2,000 square feet that is divided into either more desks, more meeting tables and chairs, workshop space, lounge areas, or video and photo shoot spaces. If you could see the whole thing you’d know that there is some division between these spaces (i.e. the doors hanging up behind my desk area, or large shelves acting as walls) but a lot of it just flows openly from one area into the next.
The downside of this is that sometimes it’s nice to have things formally divided.
The upside is that we can be and have been super flexible in our use of space. For example, when we host events – a branded dinner, a Christmas party, a workshop – we move tables and chairs and couches and use the space differently.
Other Favorite Style/Decor Favorites:
- AllModern Major Fancy-Fun Chandelier
- AllModern Photo Shoot Table
- AllModern Coffee Table
- AllModern Vintage Storage Carts

The Team
Of course, the studio tour isn’t complete without a shout-out to the people who fill it.
There’s Jenna, Office Manager and Organizer of All Things:

And Alana, Video Specialist and Teacher of Video Stuff on Food Blogger Pro:

And Krista, Shoot Assistant and Resident Hand Model Babe:

And Bjork, Ultimate Tech/Biz Nerd Who I Am Perpetually Crushing On:

And me! Semi-Awkward Lover of Food and Stories and Photos and YOU.

And duh. Sage – Chief Napper and Security Guard of Studio. (Answers to Sagerooney, Roontoons, Tooney, and Toons-Balloons).

That’s it! Studio tour complete!
Thank you so much for checking in and now may I offer you a chocolate chip cookie or some chips + magic green sauce? You know how we like that sort of thing around here.
Huge thank you to AllModern for helping us furnish and transform this wide open industrial space into something usable and beautiful and all-around awesome.
P.S. If you want to come hang out at the studio with us and practice food photography, sign up for our workshop email notification list!
If I could work in a beautiful space like that, I would never want to go home. Wow!!! It is a dream come true. I’m a whiz with data entry so if you ever need help I’ll do it for free!! I’m just 45 min away.
What a dream! I wish I could take all my foodie pictures in there! I mean…I’m with Jo…I’ll come work for free any day!! Haha. 🙂
Ummm #1 this is gorgeous. #2 I’m gonna need a link to that heated dog bed. Shout out to people who spoil their pets in a weird way; you are my people. 🙂
awww <3 this literally makes my day, feel like it has been FOREVER that we have been teased with little amazing glimpses of you gorgeous space! Happy to see the final (even if not so final) touches 🙂 Definitely need to check out All Modern, since I am digging ALL THE PIECES.
Absolutely beautiful! What a warm and yet functional place. I love All Modern. And, that fridge! Is it vintage? Very, very cool. Thanks for sharing! I think Sage deserves a raise!
Looks amazing!!
absolutely gorgeous! I LOVE IT!!!!
absolutely stunning! You have a great eye for creating a warm, inviting place! I’m glad you remembered the MOST important spot – for the Chief Pooch Sage!
Um, can I come work with you?? What a BEAUTIFUL space!!! Love the mix of modern and textures and organization 🙂
And I love that Sage really runs the roost! If I’m ever in MN/STP I’m coming to visit!
I’m still dreaming about loft living and yours confirms that the dream is not foolish.
Had to leave a quick comment saying how far you have come. Truly amazing. I think you two can be the next Gaines (Fixer Upper)!!!
Amazing! do you have any job openings! 🙂
What a gorgeous space! I would feel totally overwhelmed decorating a space that large but you did an awesome job! Looks like such a fun place to work 🙂
What a beautiful space you’ve created there! Totally reflects the blog’s fun personality. Lots of ideas and inspirations for a cool office space.
Wow Lindsay! The studio looks incredible! I remember walking into the studio for the first time on November 1st 2015 when it was just empty space! Congrats on making those dreams come true. I gotta come back one day to experience the studio in all its glory!
This is such a fun post! I love everything about it, but I laughed out loud for joy at that picture of Sage at the end! It’s a PERFECT summary of her job description! Thanks for giving a serious burst of happiness to this Monday!
SO beautiful! You’ve done a fantastic job! I’m in love with the couches – AllModern I assume? Do you remember the specific style?
It’s a beautiful renovation. Congratulations! But the best part are the pictures of you two smiling.
You have such a beautiful studio. That natural light has me all hearts eyes over here! It was also fun to meet your team. Hope you have a great August!
As your studio neighbor, it’s been awesome watching your space come together! What a beautiful space. I definitely have office envy. 🙂 Thanks for being great neighbors!!
So very happy for you guys! The space looks amazing! Ok, you’re probably getting tired of reading that but it’s still true.
This was wonderful to read and view Lindsay. In Hong Kong, space is limited and you really need to shed out the $,$$$,$$$,$$$ for decent accommodation/office space, let alone a gorgeous studio for all the purposes you are using yours for! Very inspirational and a great motivator for me because I’m currently where you were when you started POY (possibly slightly a bit ahead thanks to Food Blogger Pro & Team! 😉 ), but I’m even MORE motivated now to keep charging on after viewing/reading (aka drooling in front of my laptop!) this post!
Gorgeous photos of the furniture/set up and the awesome team!
PS: I ABSOLUTELY 100% ADORE the rug under the Harvest Coffee Table! 😉 xx
Lindsay, I am coming to see you in a few short weeks for a photography workshop and I can’t wait!!! I am on a roll now to declutter!!! Thanks for the motivation!!!
Question – are the plants real or fake? Loving the tulips and bunches of greens.
What an awesome studio, wonderful place to go to work, I’d say! And may I add that I love your writing. So full of humor and style. Not to mention wonderful recipes. I’m a big fan.