Seriously pinch me.
Our first ever Tasty Food Photography workshop has come and gone in about three little winks of an eye.
On Friday night, as I was “getting ready for bed” aka nervously running through all possible scenarios and details and mishaps and re-listing all the last minute additions to the weekend and doing everything EXCEPT sleeping, I had this thought: Sunday is going to come, and I’m going to find myself having a burger and fries with Bjork, talking about how crazy-fun the weekend was. Because it will be DONE. On Sunday, it’s just going to be done. Time is so slippery like that.
And that’s exactly how it happened, except the burger was a reuben and the fries were a piping hot dish of spinach and artichoke dip. It’s just… these are the important details, uknow?
I have a billion and one pictures from the weekend to share so you can get a small tiny feeling like you were there in that mouse-on-the-wall-of-the-internet way, and along with that, it might be worth mentioning a few highlights to fully paint the picture for you.
We had:
- a fantastic group of attendees who were all members of our Pinch of Yum VIP team on Facebook 💙
- lots of Keynote slides with picture examples (former teacher and lover of slides in the howwwwse)
- lots of demo and practice shooting
- plenty of Bai5 to keep the hydration UP UP UP
- a style-your-own Chipotle lunch AND a style-your-own pancake bar
- adorable flowers and name tags and succulents on the tables which I had absolutely nothing to do with – thank you Amanda!
- vanilla and raspberry pistachio Copper Hen cupcakes which are the most beautiful things you’ll ever see
- breakfasty croissant sandwiches from French Meadow Cafe – my all-time favorite brunch place in Minneapolis and St. Paul
- an impromptu demo of artificial lights outside of the studio in the dark hallway
- some really awesome take-home fun for attendees including K’ul chocolate a major Erickson Wood Works discount for photography backgrounds

There were, obviously, some – uh, shall we call them MOMENTS?
Like when we blew a fuse, leaving us without power in half the studio on a Sunday when no one else was in the building to help us figure out how to stay alive in the 90 degree humidity.
And/or when we arrived to the studio on the first morning of the workshop to find that one of us had accidentally left the fridge open ALL NIGHT, meaning all our prepared breakfast items were not servable, requiring an extremely speedy trip to the grocery store.
I’m sweating just thinking about it.
But then again, for what it could have been, it all went so smoothly – we didn’t all die of heat stroke, we managed to rig up some back-up power to keep everything afloat, and I didn’t pass out while presenting (I had some serious concerns as the temps started creeping up there and I was too nervous to eat a dern thing – come ON self). I have A TEAM of incredible people to thank for the success of this weekend shindig. Note to self for everything in life EVER: don’t go it alone! 👯
With that, here are some pictures of the weekend because I honestly still haven’t even made it to the grocery store for regular people food… plus this might be a little more fun than a recipe considering everyone’s all about the Back To School and everything right now. My teacher heart loves it.

If you have any interest in staying in the loop with our next workshop dates (yes! this is a real thing! NEXT WORKSHOP DATES 🎉), be sure to sign up with your email address so we can notify you right when registration opens.
This workshop sold out in just over 24 hours, so I would love to get you on the list so you can jump on the tickets right when the registration goes live.
Tasty Food Photography Workshop Notification List
Click here to get a notification when signups for the next round of workshops go live.

If you have any interest in getting more info about our next workshop dates, be sure to sign up with your email address so we can notify you right when registration opens.

Hope you all had a great long weekend enjoying the last niblets of summer! I’m trying to get in the back to school food spirit for myself and for the blog, and let’s just say yesterday some pretty epic Garlic + Basil + Butter things went down in the kitchen. COMING SOON.
OH MY GOSH. I have totally been refreshing for several min..HOURS to see this post 😀 umm stalker status. I know.
Totally subscribed!! And sweetest-husband-in-the-world got me my very first DSLR for my birthday and I am beyond excited (as if you cant tell) to attend the next workshop!!! (fingers crossed)
Looks like #1 was a huge success as we ALL knew it would be 🙂 and your teacher talent is just beaming in those pictures 😀
!? ahhh !?
okay. i’ll stop now. <3
Thanks Brittany! it would be so great to meet you – glad you’re on the email list! 🙂 And yay for the first DSLR!
Well this is inspiring! So glad to get a behind the scenes look at what your workshops look like. I hope I can attend someday!
Is your VIP Facebook group something anyone can request to join or is it invite only?
Thanks for sharing some sneak peeks. It looks like everything went great! Congratulations on a successful first workshop and cheers to many more!
Yes, anyone can request to join! 🙂 See you there, I hope!
Oh My G!!! I would love love love to attend the next workshop! That looked like so much fun and the pictures were so beautiful, as always. I don’t live in your hood but I would totally make the trip just to attend one of your workshops. Even with all the “mishaps” it still turned out to be a success and plus those are what make for great stories.
I’m so thrilled about this and excited to register for the next one!
Xx =)
Thank you Jennifer! Hope to meet you someday at a workshop 😀 and agreed – we came away with this one with some great stories for sure.
Looks like it was a stellar event. Thanks for sharing your pictures. And who has such gorgeous handwriting on the chalkboard? Impressive!
Thank you Kathy! That would be my friend Heidi! https://www.etsy.com/shop/PeoplePlaceOrThings
Congratulations Lindsay on such a successful workshop! And that pancake shot!! Wow!!
Thanks Tonya!
I write and post all of my own recipes on my website and subsequently take all of the pictures for the food at various stages. I am by no definition an expert photographer and would love to improve my food pictures. This workshop is exactly what I need. Never knew there was anything out there like this and I’m definitely signing up for updates to see when/where the next workshops are going to be held.
That’s great to hear Jason! 🙂 Hopefully we’ll get a chance to meet at a future workshop!
That would be awesome.
Wow, I feel so honoured to have been at the inaugural workshop! It really was a lot of fun! I can’t wait to practice, practice, practice everything I learned! Thanks again for hosting us all and thinking of all the little details that just MADE the workshop!
Aw, Jessica it was so fun to meet you! You are the sweetest person I think I’ve ever met! 🙂 🙂
Yes! What she said!
One completely satisfied workshop customer here!
Lindsay, you’re a doll! Sweetest and most talented teacher ever!
Thank you, thank you! <3
Lise, you are so kind! It was great to finally meet you at the workshop and I’m so glad you had as much fun as I did. 🙂 Can’t wait to see your new and improved pictures – shooting in MANUAL!
LOVED seeing this post! The workshop looks like it was such a huge success. I need need need to attend your next one but I live so dang far away! Are you considering traveling to teach these or do you think you’ll keep it local for a while? If you’re thinking of traveling for these the Bay Area NEEDS youuuuu 😉
Thanks Dionna! We have talked about traveling for workshops but I’d really like to get solid with the workshop routine in general first before taking the show on the road. 😉 but I love the idea – maybe 2016 will be our year!
Honored to have been able to attend the first workshop. Loved every minute of it including the”moments” 😉 Anyone considering the next one, DO IT! Lindsay is a real teacher and you’ll leave feeling more inspired than ever before! Thanks Team for a WONDERFUL experience I’ll never forget!
You are so sweet Megan! It was such a pleasure to meet you – your positivity and energy is so fun! 🙂 🙂 XO
Oh Lindsay… I’m smiling and giggling and glowing and tearing up and so so happy reading your post and scrolling through your gorgeous photos. This was the experience of a LIFETIME for me. I’ve wanted to meet you for ages (umm, you’re kind of like a celebrity to me!), and you were even sweeter and smarter and realer (is that even a word?) than I imagined. I learned a ton, and your amazing workshop was exactly what I needed to find joy in photography again. I’ve been feeling that “resistance” a lot more than I care to admit lately, and this weekend helped me find the peace and inspiration and happiness I was missing in styling and shooting. So from the bottom of my heart… THANK YOU for putting this on and enduring the heat and going with the flow and answering the thousands of questions that we asked. You are one in a billion, and I’m so grateful for the chance to meet you and learn from you! ❤️
“this weekend helped me find the peace and inspiration and happiness I was missing in styling and shooting.” — you have no idea how happy that makes me. I’m so glad it resonated for you this weekend! It was so so so great to finally meet you Amy!
Your pictures!!!! Gorgeous!!!! (as always!)
Your commentary…. just love reading your thoughts!!
The pancakes & syrup photo…OH MY GOODNESS ….spectacular!????
Thank you Janice! 🙂 Appreciate that!
Lindsay, the workshop was above and beyond anything I could have hoped for! You did an amazing job which is no surprise because you are just good at life. I feel full of inspiration and now have a lot more confidence in this food blogging adventure.
I have to say one of the highlights besides like, everything, was shooting food on the famous Pinch of Yum wooden table top. It was like a dream! Good luck with future workshops and keep blazing trails for us food bloggers. Thanks so much.
Thank you Angela! It was so much fun to meet you and thank you for hand modeling for my cupcake iPhone picture 🙂 haha! You are awesome.
This looks like such an amazing experience! Congrats on what looks like such an successful workshop. Hoping to sign up for the next one!!
Thank you Ashley! we had a blast! Hope to see you at a workshop in the future 🙂
This totally inspires me to take up photography. What gorgeous photos… I want to be awesome like that!
Thank you Michelle! 🙂 Appreciate that!
This looks like sooooo much fun! I’d love to go to the next one. Totally signed up for the newsletter!
^^^ That comment was actually me … for some reason my browser filled in the details of the commenter above mine? Weird.
That’s happening to me too!
That looks wonderful, thanks for the post. I’m a good blogger in the Twin Cities and have been on the lookout for a photo workshop. I’ve signed up for the newsletter so I’ll be ready for the next one!
Ugh, sorry about that Sara! 🙁 It has happened to me, too – we are working on fixing it as I type this!
OMG! I love your photos of the workshop and getting the details. It looks like the workshop was a blast. I signed up for registration email, I am really hoping I can make the next workshop!
Thanks Emily! I hope so too! 🙂
This looks like it was such a great workshop! I hope I can make it to one in the future!!
Well done! It looks like the workshop was a huge success. Thank you for sharing with all of us who couldn’t join you in person. I read above that you are not currently planning to travel to host these just yet, but I would definitely be there if you came to the San Francisco area. In the meantime, do you operate these in a way that would allow you to provide web access for those that cannot make it?
Hi, Renee! Web access is not something we have set up yet. Similar to the idea of traveling to host workshops, web access may be something to come in the future! 🙂
I LOVE THIS IDEA. I only recently started food blogging and I’m feeling really overwhelmed by the photography aspect of it. And also a bit anxious as Fall comes since I mostly shoot after work and I’m starting to lose my light 🙁
Will future workshops also include photographing in artificial light? In either case, I just signed up for the future workshop notifications — would love to make the trek out to MN for it!
Hi, Paige! Lindsay definitely emphasizes lighting when she teaches, so I’m sure artificial lighting will be covered at least to some extent in future workshops.
This class looks amazing. I’d like to know the cost so that I can start saving for it. I would fly to your location but do you think that you might take this on the road and end up in sunny California one day?
Hi, Tamara. The cost for this workshop was $375, so future workshops should be in the same range. So far we are keeping the workshops close to home, but maybe we’ll take them around the country someday! 🙂
You are just such a teacher! Looks like your workshop was a great success. Technical difficulties only make you better, right? Thinking of you…
Thanks Sarah! Hope WEEK ONE is going beautifully for you! 🙂
Congratulations, Lindsay! It sounds like it was a resounding success! Beautiful photos
This sounds like it was so much fun! And it is obvious that you’d rock it, duh. Now if you ever do one in Europe… 😉
Btw, my 2 year old niece saw your picture and exclaimed you’re very pretty! 🙂
Fantastic Lindsay,
I would love to attend a workshop, but you are so far away. Maybe one day when I visit America I will drop in. Maybe one day you will visit Australia. In the mean time, great job, you are an inpiration to many.