SPRING IS HERE! Okay fine I did turn on the heat today for a second (eye roll) but I am just declaring, SPRING IS HERE!
May Coffee Date – 2019

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SPRING IS HERE! Okay fine I did turn on the heat today for a second (eye roll) but I am just declaring, SPRING IS HERE!
Which is kind of hilarious because hey good thing spring showed up in time for June 1st?! What is this. Big sigh.
I am so ready for these long, bright, 75-degree days!
Here’s what we’re discussing today:
Since we usually discuss drinks at this point, I need you to know that I am drinking agua frescas from ALDI like my summer well-being depends on it – strawberry lime is my current obsession – and of course there are occasional coconut milk decaf lattes with a half shot of vanilla sneaking into my life here and there as well. Cold drink, sweaty glass, paper straw… yes and yes please.
What are you drinking? Grab your bevvy and let’s discuss.
Let The Office Remodel Begin!

Man oh man oh man oh man! Things are HAP-PEN-ING!
Things to know:
- That tiny wall window has been cut into a HUGE window that is literally 6 feet long – and there’s one on the other side, too. It lets in a ton of light into the center area and it makes the space feel so much nicer.
- Dropped ceiling has been lifted! Hallelujah.
- The green, stained carpet is officially out and “wood” aka vinyl-wood floors will be going in sometime soon.
- Paint is picked! I need to go over tomorrow and get all the walls and trim labeled. Spoiler alert: LOTS OF WHITE. Goodbye, orange walls!
- The kitchen will be happening in a Phase 2 to allow us to just take things one at a time.
- My lovely friend Melissa is helping us with design and ensuring that our space makes it look like we know what we’re doing.
If you want to see the progress via video, check out the stories highlight on the Pinch of Yum Instagram called “Office Remodel”.
Poor Sage.

Okay, wow. This is a thing that happened in May.
It started with Sage having a dental cleaning which turned into a “let’s also just make sure that lump isn’t anything” while she was out, and ended with the vet calling us to inform us that the little lump removed from her leg was not cancer but was, in fact, A BULLET. A little BB.
Saaaage! Poor Sage. I just cannot handle the vision of someone doing this to her and, like any normal and reasonable person, have such a hard time understanding such cruelty.
Of course this gives us a better picture of why she is the way she is (shy and nervous and slightly antisocial) and just makes us even more committed to giving her treats and snuggles for the rest of her life.
Treats and snuggles, Sage. Treats and snuggles.
I don’t even want to ask if this has happened to anyone else because I’m sure it has. Why?!? Just why.
Let’s Talk About Lobster BLTs.

For dinner club last month I made the Lobster BLT’s from Tieghan’s Half Baked Harvest cookbook.*
It was fancy and very delicious.
I just needed you to know.
Working Out (Or, More Accurately, Not Working Out).

I don’t have any pictures of working out, obviously, which is why I’ll just leave a picture of ramen here.
You guys, I haven’t worked out in one and a half years.
That is not an exaggeration. I consider myself a runner, a swimmer, an elliptical-er. But when I got pregnant with Solvi, I had to stop working out since it was a high risk pregnancy where activity was a specific risk. And then when Solvi was born, I had to stop working out because… well, I kind of had to stop doing everything and just survive for a minute.
But this week! I’m back at it. Solvi is sleeping better than usual (just wrote and then deleted that for fear of jinxing it but here goes nothing) and I’m able to get up early, feed her, and sneak a run in while she and Bjork have breakfast.
And by “I’m able to” I mean I have done this twice. Can I keep this up?!
What is your workout routine? How do you make it work?
And I’ll just tell you in advance that I reject any talk of getting up at 4am to work out. Just full rejection.
Oh, Plastic.

It’s the season of iced coffees, and you guys, I’m feeling really convicted about my part in the plastic problem. This article re-fueled my fire to try to do a little better this summer.
I’ve been a fan of paper straws for some time now and typically carry them in my bag or car, so BOOM! that’s one point in my / the Earth’s favor.
But those dang, pesky, very convenient cups. Ugh.
I have owned reusable plastic tumblers in the past which are fun and cute, but do any of you actually have one where you bring it to the coffee shop and ask them to fill it up? Why is this making me nervous? Will they even allow it?
Someone help.
There’s always a lesson to be learned from Sage, and this month is no exception.
Tonight Bjork and I had this thought as we sat on our decrepit, paint-peely deck with Sage laying at our feet peacefully surveying her backyard kingdom:
She loves it here. She doesn’t know that this deck is ugly. She doesn’t know that this doesn’t look good on Instagram. She knows that this is her spot, these are her people, and this night is amazing. She is zero percent self-conscious, discontent, or insecure. She is just one happy doggo, living her best life.

I mean… isn’t that strangely inspiring? She loves life and she doesn’t care and she is all-around goals.
Thanks for being here for another monthly coffee date! You guys make these so fun. XO
I’m dying at your description of spring- I’m in Georgia and it was in the high 90s last week and all I was thinking was “oh god, not yet!!” I just got a Joco glass cup for my coffee and baritas have had no problem with it! A couple of them have chatted me up about how I like the cup and tell me which ones they have. Small tiny step in saving the planet, but I’ll take it!
I used to take my own cup to Starbucks – and a local coffee spot, too – all the time and there was never any issue. They just rinse it out and fill it up!
Also, I’ve been addicted to making my own iced chestnut milk tea. I would have never tried that flavor before your suggestion, but now I can’t be without it.
Oh, poor Sage. That is just heart wrenching! How much sweeter it is that she has you now! Oh and that last part about contentment – wow, needed to hear that today.
Hi Lindsay! Love your name btw! I bring my own cup most of the time and it’s no biggie at all. I get embarrassed if there’s already coffee residue in there (there’s always coffee residue in there) but they have no qualms about rinsing it for you. You just hold onto the lid. The only thing I haven’t figured out yet is ordering from starbucks ahead on mobile order — then I just pour the coffee in my own cup and pretty much defeats the whole purpose.
Same! Any coffee shop I’ve encountered is OK with me using my reusable cup, and usually I also get a 10 cent discount.
How does one make Chestnut milk tea?
I remember feeling strangely anxious before bringing my own cup to a coffee shop also, but I have never found one that doesn’t allow it. Some (Starbucks and Caribou specifically) even give you a small discount for bringing your own cup! Go for it!
I recently purchased a pack of reusable silicone straws and love them! My motivation was because they are toddler-chew proof. Just an alternative to the paper ones you mentioned. I bought them at Michael’s craft store. Also, if it makes you feel better, I just started working out again last week since I stopped during my high-risk pregnancy. My “baby” is 19 months now…..
I bring in a reusable coffee cup to coffee shops all the time! Starbucks is super easy and you get 10 cents off your order. A lot of the local twin cities shops encourage it too! I’ve brought one into Spyhouse and Five Watt. In fact, Spyhouse doesn’t even leave out their plastic covers and straws – you have to ask for them from behind the counter which I think is their way of making you feel slightly guilty for using them haha
Do you have a favorite coconut milk you use for your lattes? I’ve been trying to find a good dairy free milk alternative and haven’t been a fan of most I’ve tried.
I still can’t believe what happened to poor Sage! It’s a good thing she ended up with you so you guys can spoil her like she deserves!
I adopted a female black lab a year ago ( my Stella boo boo) and she had to have x-rays a few months after I got her and they revealed that she has a BB lodged under her front left leg. It made me so angry that someone could do that to her. She was barely a year old and had also already had a litter of puppies. Treats and snuggles forever.
Mommastrong! It’s basically a 15 minute daily HIIT workout aimed specifically at moms (and with lots of good exercises for pelvic floor, stomach separation, etc.) It’s the first thing I’ve been able to stick with since (yikes) four kids ago. I’m one month in and I’ve done it every day. I can always talk myself out of a 45 min workout or 30 min run, but 15 minutes? I have no excuse to not fit 15 minutes into my day.
I second MommaStrong! I love everything about Courtney’s attitude and it makes me want to show up every day. I feel strong and empowered by it and think every woman should check it out…
Third MommaStrong! Tara, I saw your rec in today’s POY email and came here to say I agree!
I learn so much from you as well! Thank you so much for sharing your helpful information. Keep it up.
I bring my insulated Klean Kanteen to every coffee / tea shop I go to. Folks are always more than happy to use it, and most of the time they even thank me for bringing it. Every place I have been to even gives you a small discount. If you happen to find a place that doesn’t allow reusable products, I’d say that’s mayyybe a place you don’t want to go to again 🙂
My daughter is 2 weeks younger than Solvi so I can relate to the sleep (or lack of). I’ve started running with her in the BOB in the late afternoon after work because I have zero motivation to wake up before she does to pump and then run and then get back to feed her. The only thing that will make me do it is meeting a friend to run- that’s worth it.
Oh I love my reusable cups! Usually every barista has no issue with them, I just have to remind them to use it when it’s a little busier and they’re understandably scatter-brained. My favorite place for this is Black Sheep Coffee Cafe in South St. Paul!! Highly recommend. Don’t feel nervous about it, baristas are super sweet!
I love workouts by Kait Hurley. They tend to be about 30 minutes and include a short meditation!
Poor Sage! I’m a vet and it is unfortunately fairly common for us to find BBs or bird shot when we take x-rays of rescue dogs. It always makes my heart hurt to see it but I try to remind myself that they are now with a wonderful, loving family and will never experience that kind of pain again. Sage is such a lucky girl to have you guys!
My cat had a BB in his back that they discovered later in life…since I got him when he was just a baby, that means someone IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD did it! What is wrong with people??
On a happier note, yay to wanting to cut plastic! I don’t do it all the time, but yes, totally not a big deal when you do provide your own cup. I also use made the switch to reusable produce bags at the grocery store, and I totally thought the cashier would think I was a huge PIA, but not one single one has even batted an eye at it! Apparently more people care than we think 🙂
I recently bought these silicone straws and am now obsessed!
They come with a few carrying cases but I’ve found that I prefer to re-use Altoids Smalls tins as they’re a bit more compact.
Every post I hope for pictures of Solvi and Sage. Yay!
Sorry that someone was so cruel to that sweet dog!
Do you have a stainless steel insulated mug? I’ve taken those to the coffee shop to use. If you’re thinking hot coffee and plastic, that’s a bad idea. Heat releases even more plastic for you to drink.
Working out – I have to make it happen because I feel so much better physically and mentally. I have a 4 year old and an 8 month old. I try to get 4 days a week – two mornings I get up and run before my hubs goes to work, two other days I squeeze in a 30 minute workout while the baby naps. I do weights with the Nike training club app. Lots of free workouts and I love the format. No person smiling and chatting, just a demo of the exercise and a countdown timer. It’s my favorite and I just play my own music.
Love these updates!
Hey Lindsay!
I love reading your posts. In response to your question about bringing your own cup to the coffee shop—-absolutely YES! My husband and I do this a lot. The counter staff don’t ever question it. It’s a non-issue. We’ve brought our reusable mugs to lots of places!
I can’t wait to see your office rehab! As for exercise… it sometimes works best if you can schedule it as if you were scheduling a meeting. As Nike would say…”Just do it…!
Oh my goodness, Poor Sage! Our adopted beagle went in for an x-ray of his back about a year ago and they found a BB in his chest. I, like you, cannot even fathom how someone can hurt an animal like that but we are certainly making up for any rotten life he had before us. Lots of snuggles and treats for the win! Hugs and kisses for Sage!
I informed my family months ago not to bring new plastic anything into the house. Reusable cups for water and coffee are the norm as are reusable bags/sacks for the market. Also, poor sweet Sage! She loves you guys and trusts her family so much even though she may at times still be apprehensive or skittish. Poor baby. Speaking of babies, Solvi is so pretty and getting so big. Good that she’s sleeping better for you. Same happened for my daughter as she became an older baby and toddler. Now I have to pry her out of bed.
Thank you for loving Sage
why did I never think of lobster blts? that sounds heavenly!
Sagey, she is so lucky you all found her. I practically lose my mind when it comes to cruelty to animals. I currently have 2 dogs & 2 cats all rescues.
my one little dog, hes a pom mix of some kind, really goofy looking. was tossed from a moving vehicle when he was just a few weeks old. Messed him up bad and hes a little nuts now but as sweet as a muffin.
I sometimes don’t want to know the world where people can be so cruel and heartless to another living thing, be it an animal or child. It always gives me pause.
I always bring my reusable cup for iced coffee and most coffee shops are actually happy about it! Here’s the one I have from amazon it’s great: https://www.amazon.com/Ello-Devon-Glass-Tumbler-Straw/dp/B06WLKSR8P/ref=asc_df_B06WLKSR8P/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198110426086&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=40761864220903718&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=21137&hvtargid=pla-320377616553&psc=1
Poor Sage! I hope she heals quickly. My daughter rescued a dog that had multiple bb’s, even a broken hip that was never repaired, and yet the dog had nothing but love to give….It is funny you posted about Sage’s happiness with life. I literally just said yesterday (as my dog came up for some cuddles), that he is just happy in the moment. He loves life, us and a good meal or two! He lives in the moment. I use him everyday to remind myself to be in the moment and just enjoy life, be content and aware of what is in front of me. Thanks for your post, they are always inspiring.
I just ordered the straws on Amazon! I don’t know why I didn’t think to do that before. I hate using the straws at a restaurant but also don’t want to put my mouth where my server just put his/her fingers. Thank you for the tip!