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Peach Green Smoothie

9 reviews / 4.7 average

Hey yo.

Big question today: Do you guys like drinking green things? Much like the chicken skin, green smoothies are a love-hate kinda food for me where mostly I love it and I only really hate it because of the name. I mean, who really craves something called a GREEN smoothie? Blehbeddebleh.

Okay, I mock, but I do crave green smoothies. I especially craved green smoothies this week after an extended weekend of pizza-scotcheroo-Chex Mix-pizza-burger-pizza eating while on vacation in the Wisconsin Dells. So as you take in this classy quad-photo of the healthy peach green smoothie ingredients, just remember that you know the truth about the REAL me: that as a 27 year old without kids, I vacation in the Wisconsin Dells. Heyyy.

Peaches, water, ginger, and spinach.

Here’s what I learned this week about green smoothies. They can be delicious… without any yogurt. Let me guess. You’re thinking, why would you want yogurt with your green smoothie to begin with? I don’t know, I’ve always included yogurt or at the very least, a banana, in my green smoothies, because something about drinking a smoothie base made from just spinach and ice and water makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. And now you can judge me a second time for being just a fake green smoothie drinker. I never said green JUICE, okay?

How-ev-er. Frozen peaches in a blender are completely and utterly beautiful. They create a perfect slushy-sweet kind of base for adding spinach, and what you’re left with in the end is less heavy creamy smoothie, and more smoothie juice that’s just a tiny bit creamy. I copied my mother-in-law who made this for us at brunch and added a fresh peach to the mix. The peel from the fresh peach adds little polka dots of color (oh hey FUN) and keeps the texture interesting.

Peach green smoothie in a blender.

This peach green smoothie reallyreally easy to make, SUPER healthy and that fresh ginger in there will 1) make your hands smell good and 2) make your tastebuds happy. Wowzer. My mouth just loves these Peach Green Smoothies, and my pizza-loving alter ego is proud of this thing I’m working on called balance. Wins for everyone!

On an unrelated note, I’m trying a new background fer my fotos. It’s not really obvious or anything, right?

Peach green smoothies in glasses.

…just kidding. It’s a total change. What do you think – does it look clean and nice? or does it hurt your eyes? I kind of like it until I start missing my old scratched graffitied wood boards. I mean, I still have them, they’re just sitting in the other room, but you know what I’m saying.

Hey? Make it a green smoothie day. Or bookmark for Monday after your weekend of summer vacation eating. I totally support you either way.

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Peach Green Smoothie

Peach Green Smoothie


This simple peach green smoothie has frozen and fresh peaches, honey, ginger, and spinach. Super healthy and so refreshing.


  • 2 cups frozen peaches
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 1 fresh peach, pitted and chopped (optional)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon peeled, minced or grated fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon honey + more to taste


  1. Blend the frozen peaches, spinach, peach, water, and ginger until very smooth and homogenous in color. Add 1/4 cup water if needed to keep the mixture moving smoothly through the blender.
  2. Add the honey, blend, and taste. Adjust as necessary (add more ginger, more honey, more water, etc). Serve immediately.
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 5 mins
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: smoothie recipe, green smoothie, healthy breakfast recipe, healthy smoothie, fruit smoothie

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  1. Pinch of Yum Logo

    So many things! I like the white background – it’s very clean and bright, but I would still keep the wood background in the mix. You know – change it up sometimes. Nothing wrong with some variety! Also – love that somehow you can get away with talking about throwing up in your mouth and still pull of a post that makes people want to try the recipe. That’s talent.
    And, hey – vacation is vacation. Who cares where. My husband and I celebrated our tenth anniversary just staying home, but the kids were with grandparents – it was still pretty awesome. Can’t wait to see what year 15 is. . . maybe we’ll camp out in the back yard or something! 😉

  2. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I agree, I love/hate green smoothies…. but yours looks like it might taste yummy. I will make this Monday, after the weekend… like you said.
    And I have been “seasoning” my baking sheets ever since your photography tip post… thanks!

  3. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I really like both the white and wood backgrounds! I always love your photography though. After seeing your photo post from the other day, I used an old tarnished baking sheet and it turned out well, so thanks for the great ideas.

    As for Wisconsin Dells, I just looked it up and I’m a 26-year-old with no kids (and a case of baby fever that my husband is terrified of). Take me with you next time!!! 🙂

  4. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Love the peachy, green smoothie!! Must make as a snack today. It just sounds so refreshing and delicious!

    I love the all white and the boards. Either way your photos looks amazing, Lindsey!

  5. Pinch of Yum Logo

    1. I enjoy the simplicity of the new look, especially when you lay out the ingredients symmetrically. (I adore symmetry!) Nevertheless, if you did this all the time, I’d feel like the site lacked something of “you” and the personal Lindsay flair that we all know and love.
    2. You got me hooked on greenish smoothies long ago and I crave them every day. Greenish = throw a handful or two of baby spinach into whatever smoothie I’m making 🙂
    3. You’re right on about frozen peaches, though we’ve got to be really careful about the brand. I love Aldi frozen fruit, but their frozen peaches can be less than ripe and pretty tasteless. I usually do a frozen-fresh combo with peaches, like you did.
    4. I remember the very first post you ever told me about, while gnawing on our Luna bars in the sweltering cafeteria and counting down the minutes to summer school dismissal… and it was a post about making a smoothie with the frozen bag of smoothie ingredients . So, today’s post makes me nostalgic, but also super, super proud of all you’ve accomplished since then!

  6. Pinch of Yum Logo

    No shame in vacationing in WI Dells! I love that town. My family used to go there most summers for a weekend, and I continued going through college with friends. I have since moved away from the Midwest but would love a weekend back in the Dells!

  7. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I LOVE green smoothies!! I crave them in a maaajor way these days! And as for your photography, I like both your new backgrounds and old ones. The new ones are cool and professional and kind of heavenly-looking if you know what I mean. It’s like your smoothies have descended from the clouds and are floating all celestial-like on my screen, you know?! But I loved how your old backgrounds seemed to invite us into your warm and colorful life. You have such a knack for painting a picture without being kitschy or contrived. I think it just depends on the food and the season though. The heavenly clean look is kind of nice for the summer and for super versatile any-time recipes…but some things, like, say, Christmas cookies (teehee!) might warrant a warm fuzzy scene surrounding them?? But whatever you choose, yer fotos are consistently so lovely and I’ll always be a total POY fan fo sho! 😀

  8. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Never made a smoothie. I know, right! I need to get on that.
    I do like the white, crisp look for a background. Reminds me of this site… http://www.thefauxmartha.com. There is something about the homey feel of the wood though too. Whatever you do, your photos and words always pull me in.

  9. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Looks very healthy. I love green smoothies. I’ll be interested to see how the ginger tastes. I’ve never used ginger.

  10. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Well, I’m a great proponent of yogurt in smoothies, but I think freezing peaches is a genius idea! This sounds super easy & delicious for breakfast.

  11. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I love the white background! I’m a sucker for minimalist things though. The white does get a little blue and blown out, which isn’t ideal. I also love your scratched up boards. I would say its fine to go back and forth depending on what you’re shooting.

  12. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I EAT plenty of greens (I prefer them raw), but I DRINK green only once a year–McDonald’s Shamrock Shake! (Haven’t actually had one in years, but I’ll try to remember the next time around.) I agree that your photography is awesome!

  13. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I adore green smoothies. I usually add half an avocado to mine – makes it so creamy and delicious. Cacao powder is a nice addition too, especially if you’re using blueberries as your fruit. To be honest, I’m not crazy about the white background. It works in the photos where you lay out all your ingredients, but in the rest the background makes the food seem kinda impersonal and corporate – almost disembodied, if that makes any sense at all.

  14. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I love the white. The photo becomes all about the food. I get distracted by the rugged boards. I always think, “Would I eat off that?”, but what do I know? As for the green stuff, I think I feel like you. If I close my eyes it is delicious. Great post, it made me smile.

  15. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Love the green smoothies and I think the peach sounds like a great addition to the green routine. And YEY for Wisconsin Dells, I’ve been there MANY times in my life and it’s always fun even as an adult. In fact, I think I’ve been there more as an adult than as a kid. Great vacation choice 🙂 Hope you guys had a great time!!