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Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce

127 reviews / 4.6 average

Hello crispy, saucy, delicious skillet chicken with bacon and white wine sauce!

You guys, I’ve got to be honest with you. I’ve had some ups and downs with chicken over the last decade – okay okay okay fine, maybe it’s been mostly downs. But the good news today is that things are finally taking a beautifully crispy turn upwards. Cheers and applause! Maybe I do like chicken after all (read: bacon, white wine, shallots)?

This skillet chicken recipe is my new IT recipe — starting with the fact that it’s made entirely in one pan with small bite-sized pieces of salty bacon and sweet caramelized shallots, and ending with the fact that it’s going to have that golden, crispy chicken skin after the chicken is pan-fried a little bit before taking a nice oven-bath in the white wine pan sauce.

And will there be warm, crusty bread dipped in the white wine pan sauce in between bites of chicken? Yes.

That is all, the end, goodnight.

Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce.
Onions in a skillet.

In addition to feeling this chicken recipe AGAIN for dinner tonight, I’m also feeling the lingering mountain energy holding on to me today. AND I LIKE.

Bjork and I just returned home late last night from our five day trip to Park City, Utah. Yes that’s right – YOUUUUTAH! We took a baby vacation (er, wait, no. not that kind of baby. I meant like a mini vacation, like a short one, just, like, ugh. Settle down, Mom.) which means we’re visiting Utah for the very first time, and I have to be honest: we’re taking on these mountain ski runs like the haven’t-skiied-in-ten-years skiiers that we are.

Which means one green after the other.

I have to say, somewhere between my bangs-and-braces days in Ski Club and my current state of doing little to no physical activity involving more than .01 ounces of adrenaline, I must have forgotten that skiing is actually really fun. For a while there (late 90’s?), I had an identity crisis and I tried to trade in the skiing vibe for the “cool” snowboarder thing. PRAISE AND HALLELUJAH that that phase never went anywhere beyond my wannabe tough 14-year-old self, because now it’s 2015, and skiing is most definitely baaaaaack in the fun, cool person winter sports category where it belongs, and, I mean, just look at me. Snowboarding is not in my blood.

White Wine Sauce in a skillet.
Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce.

Probably the single worst thing for me about taking a trip is the Dreaded Unpacking. We got back at about midnight last night, I took out the essentials, and then planted my full suitcase on the living room floor where it will probably remain until the next time I invite people over to my house in 800 weeks.

Even though there might be a suitcase on my living room floor, there will be THIS CHICKEN in my oven tonight and I’m not sad about it.

If unpacking is my worst trip thing, then my best trip thing is getting back to cooking my own food in my own kitchen after a week of overdoing it on the overwhelmingly delicious and inspiring restaurant food. I’m going to the grocery store this morning and it feels like Christmas.

This chicken, though! It’s company-worthy but it’s easy enough for a weeknight. It’s beautiful and one-pot simple.

Have the bread close at hand, pass the salad around, keep the glasses full, and enjoy the yummiest skillet chicken with bacon and white wine sauce.

Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce.

Check Out Our Video For How To Make Skillet Chicken:

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Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce in a pan.

Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce


Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce – this simple crowd-pleasing recipe goes perfectly with warm bread and a green salad!


  • 3 slices bacon
  • 1/2 cup flour (I used white whole wheat)
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 teaspoon herbes de provence
  • 1 1/22 lbs. chicken thighs with skin**
  • 12 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 shallots, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • dried or fresh parsley for topping


  1. BACON: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Heat a large ovenproof Dutch oven or cast iron skillet over medium high heat. Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside, leaving the hot bacon grease in the pan (turn down the heat while prepping the chicken).
  2. CHICKEN: Mix the flour with salt and pepper and the herbes de provence. Dredge each piece of chicken in the flour mixture and transfer to the hot pan. Pan-fry the chicken for a few minutes on each side, until golden brown (but not cooked through). Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside on plate.
  3. SHALLOTS: Add the shallots to the pan with the olive oil. Saute for 5-10 minutes, until softened and fragrant and golden brown. Add the wine slowly, stirring to get all the browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add the chicken stock and let everything cook until it reduces slightly, about 5-10 minutes.
  4. BAKE: Add the chicken and bacon back to the pan and bake for 40 minutes, stopping ever 10 or 15 minutes to baste the chicken with the pan sauce. Remove from oven when the chicken skin is crispy and the chicken is fully cooked. Skim the oil off the top of the sauce if you want (see notes) and serve with bread to soak it all up.


**I preferred the chicken thighs in this recipe because of the crispy skin and the flavor and texture of the meat. Bjork preferred the version I made with boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Either can work! The chicken thighs will render more fat, so if you do use chicken thighs, it’s not a bad idea to skim the oil off the top of the pan sauce after baking.

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 1 hour
  • Category: Dinner
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: skillet chicken recipe, chicken recipe, bacon recipe

Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce - a simple one-pot crowd-pleasing chicken recipe that goes perfectly with warm bread and a green salad!

One More Thing!

This recipe is part of our best date night recipes page. Check it out!

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Recipe rating 5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star


  1. Pinch of Yum Logo

    I love skiing! I’ve skied since I was little and with the lack of snow we’ve had lately I’m totally missing it! This chicken looks fantastic! I make something similar but I’ll definitely be adding bacon to it from now on! Bacon makes everything better.

  2. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Unpacking is the worst! I put it off for far too long. But this chicken makes it all better for sure. Looks perfect. I’ll definitely need to add to the menu soon!

    Happy Monday Lindsay!

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      Oh, gosh, the mushrooms are an excellent idea. My husband will stand over my shoulder and pick them out of the pan when I cook them in butter and wine. I am definitely making a note of the mushroom thing.

    2. Pinch of Yum Logo

      I’m cooking this for the first time right now. Without even reading the comments mushrooms have already been added to the shallots. Baby bellas! I’m very excited for it to go in the oven, it smells delicious already!

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      You gave a 5 star rating? Have you already made this?. It was just posted this morning!

  3. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Amazing! I love anything with shallots or bacon, so both is just more than perfect. I’m a huge fan of thighs (and can’t believe Bjork prefers the boneless skinless)!

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      I guess I didn’t realize how long this recipe has been online. I’ve made it several times and will be making it again this week. Bone in, skin on, for sure! It pairs well with my homemade bread. Outstanding recipe!!

  4. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Was just saying (aka complaining) to my hubby this weekend how much I miss grilled chicken during the winters… thinking this may hold me over until Spring now! =) YUM!!

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      5 star review? This was on only posted 1 hour 15 min ago and you’ve already made it?!

      1. Pinch of Yum Logo

        Whoa Sarah… what is up with the star monitoring? Have you always felt so strongly about the distribution of star giving? I can just envision you in kindergarten stealing those metalic star stickers from your peers in kindergarten.

        P.S. I have also given five stars but I’m mainly just doing it to give myself a high five for my comment… which I’m pretty sure is also against “the rules”.

        1. Pinch of Yum Logo

          I think a star rating is for ..”did you like this AFTER y9u cooked it?” It is too confusing if everyone gives a 5 star to a recipe they like to READ…I like to try 5 and 4 star recipes, but not because someone is giving themselves a 5 star…It is about a recipe, not a person, or reading a good recipe.

          1. Pinch of Yum Logo

            I agree with Barbara. I don’t think Stars should be given based on how a recipe SOUNDS. Now, that being said, this recipe does indeed look like it would be worth 5* after trying it! Can’t wait to make it!

          2. Pinch of Yum Logo

            Amen sister. These people don’t get it. Recipes are to be rated on taste and preparation not to give yourself a high five for making a comment. Obviously these people are not seasoned cooks.

        2. Pinch of Yum Logo

          Nina, I’m giving you a high five back, I like your style. While I understand that the stars are meant for the recipe, Katy apologized for getting so excited about the recipe she jumped the gun on her rating. I believe that Nina was just trying to lighten the mood.☺️Anyway, recipe looks and sounds delicious. Peace out ❤️

      1. Pinch of Yum Logo

        Sarah- No need to be rude to others. Why don’t you chill about it. They are hypothetical “stars” on a blog recipe. Maybe she is just as excited to make this recipe as I am! 5 stars for me too! Making it tomorrow night!

        1. Pinch of Yum Logo

          I am about to make this recipe. It sounds like it will be a good recipe, and I also have the ingredients I need. I am off work and love to cook..it puts me in a good mood.. but “Sarah’s” attitude makes me never want to use her recipes, mainly because I already have a bitter taste in my mouth beforehand. She literally drills these people like a drill sergeant, “barking” at them. You should remain humble..these individuals are intrigued and excited to see this blog. Keyword: blog. Maybe you should design the website to where it says “Rate how this recipe worked for you” -since the main issue is knowing if the person actually tried out the recipe first. …playing devils advocate here. Now, I will go make this recipe and possibly come back and rate it. The IDEA of it would be given a 5 star rating. However, I feel like I would get chastised for that, like a child, so I will refrain.

      2. Pinch of Yum Logo

        Sarah – I agree that it can be misleading to see “5 stars” on a recipe that everyone comments on, but no one has actually made. :\ I think I “get” what you were saying. I stumbled upon this recipe – and am cooking it now — but almost didn’t because there wasn’t really anyone in here who has reviewed it after actually making it. Pinterest is FULL of those recipes too – all look great in the photos – but then read the reviews, and inevitably you’ll find that it needs to be tweaked, etc. Anyway — I will post an update on this recipe when it’s done….. (pause)

        My review:


        – I dredged chicken in a mixture of egg (1) and a bit of cream I had on hand THEN dredged in the flour mixture. It tends to stick better, brown better, and have thicker crust this way (and it will thicken the sauce a bit too).

        – Added a handful of parmesan cheese to the flour mixture for a bit of “bite”.

        – Used 2-3 tbsp of butter to the oil when I fried the chicken. Butter is good on everything. 🙂

        – I used 3 large chicken breasts

        Result: A very savory sauce and flavor! I liked it! Husband liked it! College-age son – eh – wasn’t his thing, but he didn’t dislike it either. I wouldn’t say this is my most favorite chicken recipe, but I would likely make this again. I was worried that the chicken breasts would dry out since they were pretty big – but they remained moist! Served it with brown & wild rice – which complimented it perfectly.

        Suggestions: You’re not left with a lot of sauce at the end – I turned down the heat about halfway through noticing the sauce was evaporating quickly. I would add just a bit more wine and chicken stock if you like a lot of sauce. 🙂 For us – it was fine, though.

        More bacon wouldn’t hurt – 🙂 Maybe another slice or two at most.

        I would also toss something with a bit of kick into the flour next time – maybe a little more parmesan, and definitely a bit more salt. But you don’t want to drown out the herbs – they made the whole house smell wonderful (comfort food).

        Very tasty – and very easy to make. Prep time: 15-20 min

        1. Pinch of Yum Logo

          ***OOPS – also – I did NOT cover the dish at any time (iron skillet). I realize it’s recommended, however, I wanted the chicken to stay crispy. 🙂 Thus – turning down the heat a bit to spare the sauce from evaporating too much.

          1. Pinch of Yum Logo

            Kim, you didn’t go by the recipe so how can you rate it when you added this and added that. You should do your own blog.

  5. Pinch of Yum Logo

    This looks amazing, Lindsay. I’m not sure what excites me the most—the bacon or wine sauce. The best part is I don’t have to choose. I can have both with this! 🙂 Awesome to hear you visited Utah and were in my neck of the woods. I hope you enjoyed your trip!

  6. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Hi Lindsay!

    Long time reader, first time commenter. 🙂 Super novice question here (sorry!), do you cover the chicken while its baking?

    Thanks for having a hilarious sense of humor, making amazing food, and being willing to share it with all of us!

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo


      Your chicken will crisp up better without being covered. The basting that Lindsay advises will help the chicken from drying out (also the higher fat content of the thighs will make for a more tender and juicy chicken).

      1. Pinch of Yum Logo

        Thanks Jenn! I really appreciate that you explained the answer too. It makes a lot of sense!

  7. Pinch of Yum Logo

    This looks amazing! Pan searched chicken + white wine (with a squeeze of lemon!) is always a winning combo in my book. Loving the thigh action, too! I’m gonna have to give this one a try 🙂

      1. Pinch of Yum Logo

        Sarah, well just look at the pictures of this recipe, a good cook can tell it’s going to be five stars (wink, wink).

        Lindsay, I had the same question, do you cover the chicken in the oven?

      2. Pinch of Yum Logo

        Dang Sarah, why you be such a hater? Don’t you have anything else to do all day long? Why don’t you make it and tell us all how it came out???? Or go bake some cookies or something.

  8. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Oh my Lord! Bacon and wine is the new….well, bacon and beer! This looks incredible. I totally agree about the dreaded unpacking. My suitcase sits unpacked for days. I usually take the dirties out and live out of the suit case with the clean clothes. Is that crazy?

  9. Pinch of Yum Logo

    Yum! This looks so wonderful. I love that it starts with bacon. Win! I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only person who dumps her suitcase in the middle of the living after getting home from travel! I travel for work and I just don’t want to keep unpacking and repacking it… it makes perfect sense to just leave it out 🙂

  10. Pinch of Yum Logo

    You have GOT to do the 15-minute rule at the end of a vacation! It has saved us countless times. We don’t consider ourselves “home” until we stumble in the door, beeline straight to the kitchen timer and (no matter how exhausted we are), run around like crazy maniacs putting everything away, down to the last toothbrush, and start one load of laundry. Those fifteen minutes are sheer torture, but the bliss that rushes in when the timer dings and we are DONE is just a tiny taste of heaven. Seriously.
    Also… you sound like Shauna in this post. I mean that in the most compliment-y way! There’s something of her heart in here and I love it.

    1. Pinch of Yum Logo

      I LOVE the 15-Minute Rule idea! I definitely will put that rule into action the next time I return from a vacation! I also LUUHV the recipe using chicken thighs, bacon and wine, (what’s not to like about that?) and will be trying it this week! Thanks to all!


    2. Pinch of Yum Logo

      Oh my gosh. You are amazing! And thank you for saying I sound like Shauna! I shamelessly want to be her, Glennon, and a handful of other authors all rolled into one so I like hearing that 😀

  11. Pinch of Yum Logo

    The recipe does look delicious and we do eat a lot of chicken. . . . this is on the roster. That being said I will argue the point that just because a picture of a recipe looks to die for does not necessarily make it delicious. I made a recipe out of Cooking Light that looked and sounded so good — and I spent quite a bit on the ingredients– it was BLAH!!!! No taste nothing. Someone had given it a five star and then another person one . The one star person was right on the mark about the review. I tried to add my one star to agree but funny thing it wouldn’t let me. BUT!! I’m sure Lindsay taste tested her recipe and I trust her to not let us down. Although the stars should be rated after doing to recipe for honesty sake.

  12. Pinch of Yum Logo

    This is making my mouth water. I want to take a piece of that chicken, nestle it on a bed of steamy rice and then spoon all the amazing sauce on top. And it’s made in one pan. So one pan for the chicken, one pan for the rice, one for a veg and I am good to go! Yum!