Ooh la la!
Is that not the prettiest rainbow of spiralized vegetables? 💕
I have been talking a lot in my recent posts about this new fangled contraption that I’ve recently added to my kitchen collection. You’ve been talking about it, too, in the comments, because you’re on point with everything, you guys. This mysterious thing we’ve been speaking of is called a SPIRALIZER.
Here’s the thing about me and a spiralizer. First, when I thought about the concept of a machine that would take up kitchen space just to make noodles out of vegetables, I got kind of annoyed. Why would I want another thing to clutter up my kitchen cabinets which are already packed to the brim with stuff because my whole food blog operation exists out of a teeny-tiny kitchen with minimal storage? Yeah, not happening.
But then I caved. Peer pressure. I’m weak and I want to be like the cool kids and I got one. Correction: I got, like, five. I was bound and determined to find out if these things were actually as wonderful as the foodie section of the interwebs was claiming them to be, and if so, which one was really worth the precious kitchen cabinet space.
And as much I hate to admit that I might have been wrong, I have to tell you the truth: after playing with a variety of spiralizers for a few months, I am here to tell you that these little gizmo-doodles are just super super super fun. Not to mention HEALTHY.
I mean, if you don’t feel something warm and fuzzy inside when you watch a sweet potato turn into tiny little spirals (and then proceed to EAT said tiny little spirals covered in, oh, I don’t know, CASHEW CREAM SAUCE?), I don’t know why we’re friends.
With that, I’m going to let you jump right into the video where I’ll tell you the one spiralizer you should never-ever-ever buy + two spiralizers that I would consider winners. If you have never seen a spiralizer in action before, you are in for a treat.

The two brands that I used as an example in the video were the Müeller and the Paderno. Here are some notes on each one just to recap the video.
The MüEller

(warning: spiralizer glam shot ahead)
- lesser known brand, but really great quality
- top to bottom spiralizing
- very easy to use – one hand pushes down on the large handle while the other spirals
- handy little measuring cup attachment that holds all your spiralized vegetables
- works well with more difficult vegetables like carrots
- has four different blades and eight functions
The Müeller spiralizer has a 4.5 star rating from 200+ reviews on Amazon.
The Paderno

- generally known as the top industry spiralizer
- side to side spiralizing
- mostly easy to use – it takes a little practice since you have to push with one hand while spiraling with the other, and there is not a great place to put your second hand to push the vegetable through
- no container to hold the veggies as the get spiralized – they will just fall onto your countertop as you see in the picture here
- works well for bigger vegetables like cabbage
- has three blades that can be stored on the machine, making it simpler for storage
The Paderno spiralizer has a 4.5 star rating from 6,000+ reviews on Amazon.
If I had to recommend one for a beginner, I think I might actually recommend the Müeller – it was just really easy to use.
That being said, the Paderno is very popular for a reason. It is kind of the “classic spiralizer” that most people know and love. I liked the Paderno especially because of how neatly it stacks together for storage.
Either one of these two spiralizers will be a win.
Now. Let’s get down to business –>
with 8 life-changing ways to use a spiralizer!


How to spiralize it: Oh, zucchini! The classic vegetable for the spiralizing peeps worldwide. I like to use the small or medium blade for zucchini, and I find it easiest to cut the zucchini in half first (see video). Cooked or raw both work – these little guys are yummy and versatile!
Recipes: 4 Ingredient Creamy Vodka Steak Pasta <– or — >15 Minute Spicy Shrimp with Pesto Noodles – both yummy!
Bell Peppers

How to spiralize it: Bell peppers are definitely a little tricky – more like Spiralizer 201 – but if you cut off the top and place the open end on the edge of the flat blade, you should be able to attach the bottom side to the handle and spiral, spiral, spiral! Bottom line: if I can do it, you can definitely do it.
Recipes: Rainbow Vegetarian Pad Thai because, honestly, PAD THAI! Yelling necessary.

How to spiralize it: Apples are a little bit weird because of the core, right? So we cut off the top, cut off the bottom, and stick the middle part (the core, which we don’t want) right on the core anchor of the spiralizer. Core = gone. Boom!
Recipes: My sweet friend Gina from Skinnytaste has just the thing for you: Spiralized Apple and Cabbage Slaw!
Sweet Potatoes

How to spiralize it: Sweet potatoes make are a fantastic veg to use with the spiralizer! Check out the video for my demo.
Recipes: Creamy Spinach Sweet Potato Noodles with Cashew Sauce – yes. There it is.

How to spiralize it: The only issue with cucumbers is the water – ALL THAT WATER. Spiralize it normally and then just let it sit for a while to drain out the water and you’ll be in fresh salad heaven. Eat these ones raw!
Recipes: Rainbow Power Salad with Roasted Chickpeas 💝 enough said.

How to spiralize it: Cabbage is so easy to spiralize! Just use the flat blade (since the cabbage already in layers for you by nature) and voila. Two seconds later, a nice big pile-o-shredded (spiralized) cabbage.
Recipes: Spiralized Cabbage with Zucchini and Almonds – super creative combo from Ali of the famous Inspiralized blog!
Red Onions

How to spiralize it: Onions are super easy to spiralize – who knew?! Just use a flat blade since the onions are already layered by nature, and two seconds later, you’ll have a pile of thinly sliced rings that are perfect for a whole variety of uses.
Recipes: Pickled red onions, anyone? Easy recipe for the pickled onions included in this post for the Arugula Salad with Grapes and Black Pepper Vinaigrette. Because then, obviously, you’ll need something to put them on. 👌
Yellow Squash

How to spiralize it: If this isn’t the prettiest thing ever… wow. I just love it. Just like the regular zucchini, this guy plays nice with the spiralizer! Super easy to make into thick or thin noodles.
Recipes: 20 Minute Healthy Chicken Parmesan for the win!
One Last Thing
Here are the spiralizer recipes I am loving lately!
Rainbow Power Salad with Roasted Chickpeas
Creamy Spinach Sweet Potato Noodles with Cashew Sauce
15 Minute Spicy Shrimp with Pesto Noodles

Rainbow Vegetarian Pad Thai
4 Ingredient Creamy Vodka Steak Pasta
20 Minute Healthy Chicken Parmesan

Of course, you can get both of these spiralizers on our beloved Amazon (here for the Müeller, and here for the Paderno), which, hopefully you have set up with Prime so that you can get two day shipping for free? Anyone else out there Prime-obsessed?
Otherwise I think you can get these at speciality food stores, like maybe a Williams & Sonoma type situation? I have yet to see them at “regular” stores like Target, so in my internet-and-free-two-day-shipping-loving humble opinion, you might be best off ordering online.
Disclaimer: the links in this post for both the Müeller Spiralizer and the Paderno Spiralizer are Amazon affiliate links.
If you have anything to add to this list, let’s hear it! I know that there are zillions of creative ways to use the spiralizer and I’m hereby enlisting your expertise. Leave a comment with your ideas!
PSSSttt* Red onion “how to spiralize it” is missing 😉
bahaha – whoops! this is why I need commenters. 🙂
You should totally get an award for the most colorful blog post EVER today! <3
OKAYYYYY buying one ASAP!
Yay! Fun times ahead!
Wow–I’ve never seen spiralized apples before. So cute! Thanks for all the great recipe suggestions!
Yes! I know, so cute. 🙂
I wonder if spiralizing butternut squash is a thing? This is such a helpful post, with gorgeous spiralized recipes! It’s hard to pick which one I want to try first!
xx Sydney
I thought about that, actually! I’m sure it could be!
Yes yes yes!! Spiralizimg butternut squash IS a thing and it’s delicious! It’s just a bit of a pain in the butt to spiralize (you have to peel the skin, and also the strands tend to stay together a little but so you have to go in and correct by hand-splitting them). But IMO, so worth it if you have a little extra time.
Totally a thing, highly recommended! I do it in 1/4s after it’s peeled so it’s more like the shaped of a square carrot. If you think it MAY be spiralizeable….it probably is 🙂
Great tip, Melissa!
I never thought of spiralizing cabbage! That is brilliant! Of course, my sister probably has. =S
I really like the look of the Müeller; I like that it contains the veggies. We have the Paderno, but we don’t keep the blades underneath, since when we spiralize it makes a huge mess and juice gets everywhere (maybe because we do a lot at a time?) and we would have to clean the blades we weren’t using, which is not fun. So we keep them separate. 🙂
Have you tried Ali’s spiralizer (I forget it’s name)? I’m really curious how it compares with the Paderno!
Yes, that happens to me, too. I know you’re only supposed to have to wash the one blade, but it does sort of get everywhere so I usually end up giving the whole thing a little rinse in the sink. I haven’t tried the Inspiralizer! It’s more expensive but it looks like it’s reviewed really well!
Same, wondering if you’ve tried Ali’s Inspiralizer – I’ve heard its more compact and easier to use, plus heavier-duty even though smaller in size.
I was also wondering about the Inspiralizer!! Especially compared to the Paderno, because that’s what I have. 😛 If you ever get a chance to try it out, Lindsay, could you do an update to the post and let us know how you like it? Thanks so much for your reviews!! I was totally like you about objecting to *yet another* kitchen gadget, but I was kind of on the wanting-to-be-in-the-cool-kid-camp as well, plus I fell in love with my cousin’s when I visited her. Still, I wasn’t sure I could justify it in my kitchen, but then my family bought it for my birthday and I’ve been loving it ever since. 🙂 Thank you for so many creative ideas; I’m always on the lookout for ways to use my spiralizer!
I would love to try it! It looks like you have to buy it directly from Ali’s site – I will get in touch with her and see if I can give one a try! 🙂
What an amazing post! I have recently been contemplating getting a spiralizer but agree that kitchen space is valuable. I appreciate your two suggestions on the Mueller and Paderno.
Just curious, have you heard anything with regards to the KitchenAid Spiralizer Attachment (http://www.surlatable.com/product/PRO-2059152/KitchenAid+Spiralizer+Attachment) – I believe it is new but saw it in the Williams Sonoma catalog this month. I loved the concept of getting an attachment to further utilize one of my already large kitchen gadgets!
Your blog is wonderful. Thank you for the daily inspiration.
I had the same thought- isn’t there an attachment for one of my appliances that would do this? I don’t want another gadget, but I really want some swoodles! But then the attachments cost so much more than the ones Lindsay recommends. Also, I keep wondering, isn’t this the same thing as an old-fashioned apple peeler?
Danielle, it’s so funny that you say that – when I was watching the video of the sweet potato at the end, I was like, oh my gosh! This is just a new version of that old fashioned apple machine! 🙂
Kitchen aid (sp?) has a spirilizing attachment. Got mine from Amazon
Hi Theresa!
I bought the kitchen aid spiralizer and absolutely love it! Easy to use and clean too,
Best Foodie Blog Post Ever! I pinned literally every recipe. Thanks!!!!
I have not tried that! I but I’ve seen it! 🙂 Thanks for the nice comment – let me know if you end up trying the attachment!
I have the Kitchenaid attachment spiralizer and am loving it so far (I’ve only had it for a couple of weeks). It’s really easy to use and all you have to clean is a couple of little pieces, not the whole machine.
I really love the peeling function on it as well as the 4 different spiralizing blades. Will be super helpful for peeling apples for pie or potatoes come Thanksgiving. I have tried it on sweet potatoes once and it doesn’t do a perfect job with the bumps and grooves of potatoes but nothing a couple swipes of the handheld peeler can’t fix.
The only other problem I see with it is that it won’t work with larger produce. I think it’s a 6 inch diameter max, so I don’t think the cabbage would work.
Other than that I would recommend it if you’re willing to splurge! I had it on my wedding registry so that’s how I justified buying it, otherwise I would’ve gone with one of the ones Lindsay reviewed.
I also have the kitchen aid one and absolutely love it! It is defiantly on the pricier side compared to the ones you showed but it is awesome. It also slice apples and cores them which it great for me because I go apple picking in the fall and always have so many apples! It made prepping apple for cakes, pies, breads, and cookies a breeze. I even tried freezing some this year. I’m loving all the ways veggies can replace pasta and other not so healthy side!
Fred Bloggs
I bought the Paderno spiralizer and I loved it but I found it hard to use (arthritis in hands) so my husband bought me the Kitchen Aide attachment. So much easier for someone with physical disabilities!
I just bought the “Deik Spiralizer Vegetables Slicer, 5 Ultra-sharp Japanese 420-grade Hardened Stainless Steel Blades, Super Sucker Upgrade Design Detachable and Easy to Clean” from Amazon ($17.95!). This vegetable slicer is great! First of all, it has a suction cup at the bottom so the machine won’t slide all over. Second, it is very easy to clean. There is a container to catch the goodies. 5 blades are stored in a nice little case. It has a 2 -year warranty! I, too, have bad arthritis. My hand is basically curled into a knot. (I type with an onscreen keyboard and a mouse.) I love this machine! I just spiralized 2 zucchini in 1/10th the time it would have taken me before with the hand-held!
i am so spiralizer veggie obsessed. Love all these tips! Who knew about the bell peppers! I have spiralizer veggies 2-3 times a week now that I have a spiralizer. Such a great investment!
Thanks Sam! You’ll have to give the bell peppers a try!
Great post, thank you! I am going to get mine out of the cupboard where it’s been collecting dust (not literally) hah! These recipes look amazing!! Thanks & love your posts!
awesome Sandra! Have fun!
Great post, Lindsay! I’m all about the spiralized veggies these days. Loving the video, too! So nice to see your face 🙂
Thanks Coley! I did this one at the end of a long video day – and I almost didn’t make it. But we got FIVE done in one day. I know you can appreciate that. 😉
What a fun and informative video and post, Lindsay!
It’s not as popular, but still plenty useful, I have this very nice mandoline by Swissmar Borner: https://www.amazon.com/Swissmar-Borner-Power-Mandoline-V-7000/dp/B003CN6Q1Y/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1438186152&sr=8-2&keywords=borner+mandoline that makes perfect veggie matchsticks that function just the same as spiralized veggies. I used it to make your rainbow pad thai and it worked beautifully on everything from zucchini to carrots to onions to bell pepper.
I LOVE the mandoline too! Mine isn’t quite as nice as the one you have, but still, definitely a good option as an alternative! I’ve also used a y-peeler for the same functionality.
I’ve been using the Paderno for quite a while now, but the Mueller looks great, too! Also, thanks for keeping it real and letting us know which sprializers work and which don’t. I also love the videos you’ve been posting lately! Keep the great work coming, Lindsay!
Thanks Lisa! Appreciate that!
Lindsay, I’ve been resisting the peer pressure as well, but I’m slowly caving. Thanks a lot! 🙂 Wondering if you can provide a little insight as far as which is easier to disassemble and clean. Thank you.
Hm, good question. The Mueller is awkward to store because there is no place for the blades to go (I tuck them into the little measuring cup, but they don’t all fit in there). That being said, the Paderno does get pretty messy as you use it, so even though it stores better, it’s kind of a pain to wash because you essentially have to wash the whole thing. That probably doesn’t help you at all. 🙂 I vote Mueller for cleaning, Paderno for storage.
One quick question, do both units work the same with larger veggies, such as the cabbage? I can see the Paderno would easily work with these, but does the Mueller as work as easily? Thanks for the awesome post, I’ve been wanting one of these for a while! 🙂
Yes – I haven’t actually done cabbage specifically on the Mueller but it has just as wide of a blade as the Paderno. The Mueller is actually really good for smaller veggies too- like carrots – I have a hard time finding carrots wide enough for the Paderno, but the anchor on the Mueller is small enough that it works better with slender veggies like carrots.
Late to the party–I just got a Mueller spiralizer, and for the life of me cannot figure out how to make it work with carrots. Am I missing something??? Works great with kohlrabi, though!
I have Ali’s Inspiralizer and LOVE IT! Very easy to clean, all blades are self-contained, (just turn a dial to change blades) and it’s very sturdy. One of my favorite kitchen tools!
Awesome! Thanks for sharing Mary! Several people have been asking. 🙂
I think it’s wonderful you’re getting into spiralizing. I’ve been doing it for a while now.
Also consider red and yellow beets (great in salads), jicama (roast until crispy with a little olive oil or use in salads), carrots of different colors, and the best of all, sweet potatoes quickly sautéed. Turnips, rutabaga. …..
Oh yes! good call! Love the beets!
Do you cook the beets first or do them raw then cook them?
you outdid yourself this time. Perfect post!
Wow – so nice! Thanks Amy! These posts are really fun to do but they take A LONG TIME. Like, months. So I appreciate that. 🙂
I have wanted one of these for some time but I have arthritis in my hands.
It seems that the Mueller would be better for me from what you have said.
I have the Paderno on my wish list and you seem to prefer the Paderno from what you said.
Having used both– can you do all the things you listed here on the Mueller and in your opinion would it work better for arthritic hands??
Thanks for any advice you can give me.
Just got the spiralizer attachment for my KitchenAid (Christmas gift) . No stress on my arthritic hands and many blade options (and a peeler)! If you have a KitchenAid stand mixer, the add-on may be worth the investment , and after holiday sales can’t hurt, either. Love the videos and the enthusiasm on this blog.
I have been holding out…too many kitchen things, but you might have just pushed me over. Sold!
I’m really excited about that apple spiralizing. I need to jump on that. I also need to take my spiralizer out bc when we moved I just threw it in the back of a cabinet. Now that it’s summer I need more fresh veggies!
…I’ve been curious but holding out. But you might have just convinced me to get a spiralizer. Thanks so much for the informative (and beautiful!!) post!
Thank you so much for all the tips, Lindsay! Especially for the cucumber. Such great information! I got a spiralizer for Christmas and have been too chicken to try it and have it take up valuable kitchen real estate – but now I’m ready to tackle it – especially to make “swoodles” yum! Such a great post and video!
Thanks for this post! I’ve been on the fence about spiralizers for the same reasons as you – and in part because I didn’t know what I could do with it besides zoodles. This is so helpful and makes me want to get one!
Both are these spiralizers seems great. The price is so affordable. I have to definitely check them