What a cool, generous group of peeps you are.
For you to make food or buy food or send food or deliver food to people who could use a little extra love in their lives right now? Just because of this series? As a way to show support for us, our son Afton, and the people in your lives? It is all way too cool and I love that this is my job. I get to talk about food and love and life and it’s just awesome.
Awesome, even when it’s not actually awesome. Even when it’s more like nasty, painful, dark as night, can’t breathe, awful. Coming back to this space after going through such an incredibly traumatic and transformative experience was, to be honest, completely horrifying. Like, how do you do it? How do you act? Should you be normal? And what’s normal like again? What were some of those dummy food things that you always used to say before – and how soon is too soon to bust those out again? What will people think if you mostly just talk about sad stuff? or if the only food that sounds good to you is plain white bread with butter, and maybe, MAYBE some basic creamy potato soup?
The sacred presence of Afton in my life has shown me – or maybe just reminded me – that there is always room for honesty at the table. Both in real life and online. We made room for honesty with this series, mostly because we didn’t know what else to do. There was maybe a shred of honorable-ness in it, but it was mostly selfish: I needed Afton’s story to stay close. I needed work to mean something to me. And then in that honesty, we watched you all love and care for us, watched you literally pour out your hearts for our son after who was barely with us for one day and never even opened his eyes. A tiny guy weighing one pound three ounces that exactly zero of you had ever met. And you did that through serving YOUR people and participating in a food series, of all things. Friends. You are not basic. You’re the ultimate love warriors.
This series has helped me land on something that I think I felt all along but never knew how to articulate: that beyond the business side of this blog-as-my-job gig, it’s the stories, the community, and the soul here that are the always-on light of this corner of the internet.
Your words are not just comments. They mean something to us.
Your acts of generosity are not just distant concepts. They are real and they inspire us.
This Feeding a Broken Heart series has been you and me, joy and healing, memory and honor, love and grief – and it has all felt really, really good.
One thing that this experience did not do is make me have less words. 😂 I’ll be done now. So I’m showing off. This post is dedicated to your inspiring stories, so go watch yourself be awesome. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Basic + Awesome Creamy Potato Soup
this display of awesomeness has moved me to tears…all of the stories & moments of vulnerability are amazing. thank you for your honesty & for sharing yourself with far more courage than i can imagine.
Thanks Jess! ❤️
Dear Lindsay (and Bjork),
I have not done anything nearly as inspiring as all the people above but have been meaning to send you a note since I finished reading Afton’s Story.
I wanted to thank you both for sharing this story with the world. I have never lost a baby (close) but the way you wrote so honestly made it so real and it brought tears to my eyes, every time. I prayed for you.
I kept thinking that I can never fathom what it is you suffered through but at the same time how helpful your words would be if ever someone, who is going through it, comes across my path that needs encouragement!
Your openness is refreshing and you write so eloquently.
May the Lord, Jesus Christ be your source of peace, joy and strength for whatever lies ahead!
Annalize Breytenbach
(Cape Town, South Africa, just for interest sake 😉
Thank you Annalize! Really appreciate your kind words from half way across the world!
I do have goosebumbs all over me. Absolutely precious.
Love to you!
Love that, thanks Franziska!
Such a nice reminder that there are some truly amazing people in this world. Bless you all.
Thank you Julie!
This is so GOOD!! Love the support of our little community here 🙂
Thanks Aimee! 🙂
I read your story yesterday and I just wanted to let you know how deeply moved I was and how brave you were for sharing this. I played the violin in a orchestra yesterday night and my thought were with you, I played for Afton. Sending you much love and light,
Hi! I think the reason I have loved reading your blog all these years is twofold; first, your recipes always work and I love that and two, you are present in your blog; your life and thoughts. Blogs are so much more than just food. This past while, since Afton came and left your world you have highlighted this community. It’s all about love and food, family and friends – thank you for the depth that you bring to this site and the fearless pursuit of being honest and real. I hope that you are learning to find life worth living again and I am so glad that you are back! much love and hope!
What a sweet comment. Thank you Tessa!
Wow. Just wow. I’ve been following your “Feeding a Broken Heart” series but it is truly amazing seeing it all come together in this post. You guys are so inspiring, Lindsay. Thinking of you often <3
Thanks Ashley! I appreciate that.
Linday!!! This is such a beautiful series and this post brought me to tears. I loved reading everyones stories. This is amazing! Thank you for being open and honest and sharing your journey with us.
Thanks Mary! ❤️
Sweet Lindsay…Thank you so much for putting these wonderful posts up so I could read all the love and kindness that have poured out of these amazing people.
I have a friend who is facing challenges in her life. Not necessarily all bad challenges, but challenges, still. I have told her that she has a safe place in me to come where she can voice the good and the bad. I believe this is your safe place to do the same. We are here for you and Bjork to pure out the good and the bad, no matter how painful or happy every moment of every day can be.
Sending (((hugs))) to you both…
Thanks Sharon! That means so much. Love to your friend and I’m so thankful that you’re there for her right now.
Lindsay, thank you for sharing my posts! I’m so glad to hear that you’re healing. Sending so much love your way! 🙂
Lindsay and Bjork.
Trusting that the emergence of spring and the sunshine on your backs…helps in incremental ways to rebound from your loss…
I saw this in today’s paper.. Re: hospital Cuddle Cots.. and made me think of you.
Wow. Definitely a way technology is a good thing. You now know there is a such thing as virtual hugs. I hope it heals a little piece of your broken heart.