Yo! Bjork here, checking in for my monthly traffic and income report.
The goal for these posts is to offer readers an all-access pass to the “business” side of Pinch of Yum. We share the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly involved with growing a website and turning it into a business. This is our 27th traffic and income report. You can browse through all of the previous reports in the Making Money from a Food Blog archive section.
I focus on two things with these reports (1) the income and expenses and (2) the traffic. I also include any tips or tricks that we’re learning as we continue to find ways to grow the blog. Creating an income from a blog or website isn’t something that happens overnight (or even after a few months). The reality is that it takes an incredible amount of work.
As a matter of fact, the “incredible amount of work” topic has been a consistent point of conversation with Lindsay and me lately. This past week we had a handful of days that were spent working early in the morning until late at night. By no means is this always a negative thing (see the September report about working-incredibly-hard-at-something-you-love) but it becomes a negative when that “work incredibly hard time” starts to steal away valuable moments and life experiences.
Example: Lindsay and I have a beautiful Fraser Fir Christmas tree in the corner of our living room. For six days straight it had one ornament hanging on it. One. Ornament. We had planned on decorating the tree the day after we got it, but we rescheduled our Christmas decorating twice during the week, opting instead for work that we “had to do.” Sad, but true.
We (I’m talking to you and me) walk a fine line. On one hand, we are incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to build things (like a blog, business, or non-profit) and be rewarded for our hard work and dedication. On the other hand, we are blessed to have people and experiences in our lives that can give back to us in ways that a blog, website, or business never could. The allure of the tangibleness of numbers and growth can draw us away from the less tangible (but often more rewarding) time spent doing things like decorating a Christmas tree with those we love most.
Where do you feel like you lean when you walk that line? Do you lean towards working all the time? Spending time with family and friends? Or do you feel like you’re pretty balanced? I’d love to hear your thoughts and any advice you might have for me.
Speaking of tangibleness of numbers, let’s take a look at the numbers for November.
- BlogHer – $4,335.26
- Tasty Food Photography – $3,771.65
- Swoop (BlogHer) – $1,747.49
- Bluehost – $1,495.00
- Lijit – Federated Media – $1,340.40
- Ziplist – $900.99
- Google AdSense – $567.34
- The Creamy Cauliflower Sauce eCookbook – $560.25
- Genesis Theme – $242.80
- Elegant Themes – $182.00
- Thesis Theme – $122.43
- Foodie Theme – $51.00
- CPM Only – $47.14
Total Income:: $15,363.75
- Lawyer Fees (Trademark Application Process) – $1,550
- Media Temple (Hosting) – $750.00
- eBook Affiliates – $630.65
- Amazon S3 and Cloudfront – $367.33
- Bookkeeping – $300
- Support Staff – $234.25
- Food Expenses- $228.13
- PayPal Transaction Percentage – $215.56
- Recovery Software – $69.00
- Adobe Creative Cloud – $53.55
- PayPal Website Payments Pro – $30.00
- ViralTag – $28.00
- QuickBooks – $26.95
- Time Doctor – $19.98
- VaultPress – $15.00
- E-Junkie – $15.00
- Props/Utensils – $9.60
- Rafflecopter – $7.99
Total Expenses: $4,550.99
Net Profit: $10,812.76
P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about some of the ways that you can monetize a food blog, we encourage you to download this free ebook, “16 Ways to Monetize Your Food Blog,” from our sister site, Food Blogger Pro!

Thoughts On Income
Ouch. Huge dip in BlogHer income when compared to October. We made $3,000 less from BlogHer despite having 10,000 more pageviews this month. I sent an email to BlogHer to check in and they reassured me there was nothing wrong on our end (yea!) but that it was just a down month for their ad revenue (boo!). It serves as a good reminder of how unstable the ad industry can be.
The decrease from BlogHer provided motivation to revisit the ad units on Pinch of Yum to make sure everything was optimized. The reality is that most ad units are not making as much as they could be. I found this to be true with Pinch of Yum after reviewing our advertising setup.
The biggest change I made was adjusting the backup ad code (also called default ad code) for the BlogHer ads. Previously, if BlogHer didn’t have any paying ads, it would default to in-house Pinch of Yum ads for Tasty Food Photography and Food Blogger Pro. For instance, if the 160×600 BlogHer ad in the top right corner didn’t have an ad to show, it would show an ad for Tasty Food Photography. Last month this ad received just over 750 clicks. The Tasty Food Photography page has around a 1% conversation rate, so that means we were earning around $140 from that banner. Ready for some math?
Estimated earnings from the in-house ad = 750 (total clicks) * 1% (conversion rate) * $19 (cost of eBook) = $142.5
That ad was shown just over 800,000 times, so…
CPM for in-house ad = ($142.5 / 800,000) * 1,000 = $0.17 CPM
That’s a pretty low CPM, so I replaced that in-house ad with code from Google AdSense, which traditionally performs better than $0.17 CPM. Check back next month to see how that change turns out. 🙂
We recently received an email from BlogHer informing us that using third party backup ad code is something they no longer allow. They’ve grandfathered in those that used it before, but new BlogHer applications must use BlogHer’s default ad code, called PubMatic. The PubMatic CPM was $0.88 in November, which is pretty good. Here’s what BlogHer had to say about it:
BlogHer pays a service fee for every single ad impression that passes through our ad code, including premium advertising, programmatic and backup advertising from our partners at PubMatic, mobile advertising, and even unpaid PSAs. We also must pay that service fee for non-network backup code, and we lose the ability to sell the inventory that is being filled by your other providers in PubMatic’s programmatic exchange.
Again, $0.88 is a decent CPM for backup ad code. We might even experiment with just defaulting to PubMatic after this experiment with AdSense.
Black Friday/Cyber Monday
This was the first time we participated in Black Friday/Cyber Monday from the merchant side of things. I really had no idea what to expect but was pleasantly surprised with the result of the “Gobblepalooza” sale that we ran on Pinch of Yum and Food Blogger Pro.

Here’s a screenshot of Food Blogger Pro’s income that helps to give an idea of the huge spike that occurred because of the holiday weekend sale.

The normal per day income from Food Blogger Pro is $50 – $100 dollars. The sale weekend makes the average daily amount seem like zero! It’s by far the most successfully 30 day period we’ve had with Food Blogger Pro. It made me realize two things:
- Time spent marketing a product is well worth it, especially during times when people are in a consumer mindset.
- I’ve done a terrible job marketing Food Blogger Pro.
These two things together have encouraged me to put on my marketing hat with Food Blogger Pro and start experimenting with different types of marketing and promotion. We’re currently experimenting with using AdWords, so you might notice some Food Blogger Pro ads on different food-oriented sites around the internet.
What’s with The Lawyer Fees?
We started the process of trademarking the Pinch of Yum name and logo! Julie’s Trademarking your Blog Name post inspired us to get in gear and make this happen. Thanks, Julie!
Below are some screenshots from Google Analytics. You can click on these screenshots to view a larger image.
Traffic Overview
Top Ten Traffic Sources
Mobile Vs. Desktop Traffic

Thoughts On Traffic
Facebook, Landing Pages, and SEO
Pinterest continues to be our number one traffic source. As we’ve discussed before this is (1) great to have a lot of traffic from Pinterest and (2) scary because one small change from Pinterest could make all that traffic disappear. In last month’s report, I shared the steps we took to create a fan gate on Pinch of Yum’s Facebook page.
This month we took it a step further by creating a landing page for the fan gate. It’s a small change that could have a big impact on the number of people that end up liking Pinch of Yum on Facebook.
Here’s why we created the new page:
Before, whenever we mentioned the free cookbook download, we would send people directly to the Facebook page. Now, instead of sending people directly to Facebook, we first direct them to this free cookbook page. This is good for two reasons:
- The page provides clear instructions for people on how to download the cookbook.
- More importantly, it gives us the ability to build up the SEO of a specific page around the “free cookbook” keyword.
For example, we can now create a link that says “free cookbook” and point directly to the landing page (like I did in the paragraph above this one). This is a little clue to Google that the content of that page probably has to do with free cookbooks. Let’s pretend that someone else downloads the cookbook, likes the content and decides to share it with their readers. There’s a good chance the link they create will also point to the landing page and say something like “Pinch of Yum’s free cookbook.” This is another little clue to Google that the page contains information about a free cookbook. The more this happens, the more Google is clued into the fact that this page is a great resource for anyone that is searching for a free cookbook.
We’ve used a similar strategy with the “how to start a food blog” page and the “making money from a food blog” archives page. Trying Googling those. Pinch of Yum might not show up as #1, but we’re probably on the first page. This type of intentional content creation is called SEO, or search engine optimization. In this case, our keyword (keyword is an SEO term for the phrase that you’re targeting), is free cookbook. There are lots of factors that go into SEO, but links are one of the most important factors.
This type of SEO traffic is really valuable because these visitors were actively searching for the content that we’re offering. It’s really hard to motivate someone to download a free cookbook when they came to the blog for a chocolate chip cookie recipe. It’s a lot easier to motivate someone to download a free cookbook if they’ve arrived after Googling “free cookbook.”
If you’re interested in learning more about SEO check out Moz. They have some really helpful and easy-to-understand SEO resources.
Chicken Or Egg? Traffic Or Ads?
I’ve had a handful of people ask about when they should put ads on their new food blog. The answer is that there isn’t an answer, but in general, it’s better to do it sooner than later. Here’s why:
Starting and growing a food blog is a lot of work, especially in the first year when you’re just getting up and running. It’s almost guaranteed that you won’t make much money at all in the first year. However, even just a few cents a day can provide motivation and show you that at least something is coming back for all the hard work you’re doing.
We started placing ads on Pinch of Yum a little over a year after we started. If I had any clue what-so-ever about advertising at that time (which I didn’t) I would have placed ads on the site much earlier. It’s not that we would have made much from it, but it would have shown us it’s possible, which is one of the most important things when you’re first starting out. The first time we made a dollar from Pinch of Yum was a big deal! It made use realize that we could then make two dollars!
Here’s a graph that shows the traffic on Pinch of Yum over the last four years along with various milestones. You can click on the image to view the full-size image in another window.

Because Of You
Without you, this thing we call Pinch of Yum wouldn’t exist. Lindsay and I can’t express enough how much we appreciate you following along, commenting, tweeting, and emailing to say hi. It warms our chilly Minnesota hearts.
We’re using a portion of this month’s income from Pinch of Yum to support a special project at the Children’s Shelter of Cebu, an orphanage where Lindsay and I lived and worked for a year. The special project is purchasing new kitchen equipment for the four different homes at the shelter! It seemed like there was someone cooking all the time when we were at CSC, so we’re excited to provide some new equipment for the homes there.
Thanks again for reading, and hopefully talk to you soon!
These are always so fascinating to read. Thanks for being so forthcoming with information.
I’ve been really focusing on disconnecting more often which unfortunately means my blog has suffered. I do imagine it’s worth it, except when I read things like this and get reminded what I could be doing if I just return to going full throttle blogging ahead. Balance is a terribly hard thing!!
I have been doing the same Kristen. I need to remind myself daily that my kids are the priority for this season of life. I do what I can with my blog and just wait for the day that I will be able to do everything I want to with it.
Balance really is a hard thing! Lindsay and I talk about the different areas in our life as different types of income, i.e. “things that are coming in” to our life. Emotional Income, Spiritual Income, Financial Income, Relational Income, etc, etc… It helps me to better process what I’m doing with my time and what type of “income” I’m pursuing with that time.
Kudos to you both for your intentional decision to invest in your kids, families, and other types of income. The world is a better place because of parents like you!
I’m in the same boat Kristen and Lindsay. My husband and I went on a marriage retreat last weekend (first time away from baby!), and it really helped to have that dedicated time focused solely on our relationship. We talked about the big thing we both wanted to change was more quality time, and came up with a plan to help us still get the income we need through my blogging, without it eating up all the time we could potentially be spending together as a family. It’s a tough balance for sure, on the one hand it’s such a blessing to be able to work from home and on your own schedule. On the other hand that makes it easy to be always working. Think we are on the way to figuring it out though!
I really look forward to these monthly posts – I find it fascinating seeing how you are developing the blog and how honest you are with how you get to the figures you do.
Thanks for checking them out Laura. We appreciate it!
Thanks for the trademark link! Hope you have a chance to decorate your Christmas tree soon!
Sure thing Tina!
We did! It’s beautiful (no thanks to me). 🙂
Wow! Congratulations! I remember when y’all first started posting these, and although I haven’t kept up with every single one of the updates, I’m super impressed with your hard work and dedication paying off.
I’m like Kristen, though, where I’ve decided to step back a bit from the blog so I can enjoy spending more quality time with my kids. There is such a balance to be found in this industry, when work is available to you at all times so it’s hard to “turn it off”. I salute you two for keeping that in mind.
And, how wonderful you are donating some of your earnings! Always loved your giving spirit!
Merry Christmas! 🙂
“when work is available to you at all times so it’s hard to “turn it off”.”
Amen to that! So true!
Thanks for following along the updates and for the kind words Nikki!
Thanks for being such a great inspiration! Your reports helped me to understand food blogging better for sure. There are so many different things I have never thought about, it’s amazing!
I know exactly what you mean Jovita. It seems like there’s something new to consider every day. I’ve been known to fall victim to analysis paralysis before. 🙂
I debating on whether or not I should put ads on my site right away because my food site was so new compared to my others. But, I have learned to just take a chance. In this day and age, most people have ad blockers and the others are just used to ads. I knew I wanted to get signed up with an ad bloggers network (not adsense or lijit type) and began reading up on what all the different requirements were for each and starting to work towards those goals. Imagine my surprise when I was accepted into one at 3 months of blog age!
A few years ago when I tried for bloggers ad networks with other sites there were only a handful of them, now their are quite a few. There used to be just 1-3 for food sites now there are plenty more to choose from. I think that is why BlogHer is down. There are a couple that actually started this year, those, and BlogHer actually share the same advertisers. So, if they are buying ad space from all sources, it could be due to lack of advertising if your PV are still there. I was reading about this in some marketing report and now for the life of me I can’t find the link.
Could be! It’s tough to say, but I think you’re right on with the idea that (1) banner ad networks are becoming more and more common and (2) banner ads are becoming less and less effective so (3) banner ads in general are becoming less and less valuable. I don’t think they’re going away anytime soon, but the online advertising scene is surely (and always will be) changing.
Like many of us have talked about, I know you have and I have on my other websites – branch out. Cookbooks are a good thing for foodies. You can’t have all your eggs in a basket! I have fiction published and non fiction. In the process of finishing up my first recipe booklet! 🙂
Love the tips! Look forward to reading these every month =) thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading!
This is always awesome information you guys make available to us inspiring food bloggers.
Thanks Nicole!
Hi Bjork and Lindsay. This report was awesome, as always, because I could relate to myself as I’m in the 1st year of food blog business.
I too noticed a dip in BlogHer income from ads but Swoop revenue was higher this month. As I’m a new applicant I’ve been using Pubmatic and it has been great. Also I noticed a great increase in Google AdSense. Ziplist is growing too. Hope this helps.
It is super smart to create a landing page for your free cookbook. Note taken. Although FB now wants money to show your posts, so I don’t know how much time is worth to spend on it. We will see.
It is hard work and you gotta love it! As I start making more money, more work comes up and I notice it is harder to balance life and work. And I have 2 kids. It’s hard. I’m constantly working on it and promise myself to shut off from the computer and I will. Just discipline. Like a workout.:)
Yeah – great point regarding Facebook. Right after I released this post was when we started to notice a decrease in reader engagement on Facebook. It definitely looks like Facebook has made some changes in their news feed algorithm. It’s a great reminder that the most important area to focus on is your blog, not social media. That being said, I think there’s still value in a Facebook page. Who knows what they’ll change next – it might be something that *increases* reader engagement for fan pages. Not likely, but possible!
I love reading these updates. Such motivation to do what you love! Thanks for keeping us up to date on the latest and greatest tips in the blog/advertising world! And if you ever want to pick someone’s brain about marketing, I’m the marketing manager for a large media company in the Bay Area and always have an open ear!
Happy Holidays =)
Awesome. Thanks Dionna! What type of marketing do you focus on (or are you most interested in)?
My blog is just a hobby blog – I don’t have the numbers for it to be anything else – so, it’s easier for me to walk away from it when I need to. Sometimes, I’m totally into it, the inspiration flows, the recipes rock, the natural light is always sparkling, the props are pretty 😉 … and then the slump hits. I used to fake my way through it, but, each post takes so long to create, it’s not worth it (for me) when my heart isn’t all the way there. When the inspiration is right on, I try and prepare as many recipes as I can, and schedule them out during my down times.
And lately, I’ve been having an existential “digital” crisis. I’m a web dev by trade, so I spend all day building things that don’t exist in the physical world (and then go home and work on my intangible blog). My portfolio consists of screenshots, because so many of the sites I’ve built in the early 2000’s – or even just three years ago – have been rebuilt/replaced with the latest technologies. I feel the need to create things I can hold and relish over time. The new year will be about making room for new hobbies. But, having said all that, I don’t think there’s an answer to the work-life balance thing in there. It’s the long way of saying, I’m still trying to figure it out.
Thanks for your honesty Karen. I’m right there with you in terms of trying to figure it out. Probably never will, but we can keep pursuing a good balance.
Your digital crisis thoughts are really interesting. Definitely made me think. Thanks for sharing.
Finding a balance betwen work and leisure is difficult, especially when you are making a good income from a job you love doing. My suggestion is to make the time- to decorate that tree, or read a book, or take a walk. I once spent so much time on my job ( neglecting my family in the process) that, without much notice, I came crashing down in a heap. Looking back now, I can’t understand that imbalance. It seems to me that focussing totally on income is unhealthy, whatever the field in which one works.
Great thoughts Francesca. Totally agree on the balance piece. In many ways we’re better off in the long run if we find a way to not focus on one things 100% of the time.
Thanks guys for continuing to share your lessons with us. I am currently finding it really hard to switch of from the blog and I spend all my time on it – for very little return. Trying t find a proper balance but not easy.
Thanks for reading Bintu! That first stage of blogging can be especially hard, when you’re working insanely hard but not yet seeing any tangible results. Keep up the hard work and rest when you need to. 🙂
I look forward to reading this report every month 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing – I never would have started my blog without you guys! I’ve been up and running since June, and put ads up in September. This month I’m on track to earn about $100; not much to brag about, but enough to keep me motivated! My husband reminds me that $100 is nothing to sneeze at in this economy, and it’s amazing how much I’ve been able to accomplish with my blog while still working full time. Plus, it makes me happy! Everyone needs a dream 🙂
Congratulations Anetta! That’s awesome! $100 is a huge mark to hit. Once you make $100, you can see that it’s possible to make $200, once you make $200, you can see that it’s possible to make $400. Etc, etc… 🙂
Thanks, Bjork! I just got my first sponsored post this week, so kick that figure up to $300 this month! Feeling so blessed 🙂
I agree – it is so hard to balance your blog and your personal life (and your full-time job if you have one, which most of us do!). I try hard to balance all three, but it is a juggling act. I think you sometimes have to make clear conscious decisions to take time to do this or that. An hour-by-hour, week-by-week and month-by-month schedule really helps a lot! Sometimes people can get so busy they have to schedule in time to actually call their family and say hi or even bathroom breaks (seriously, I know a business owner who does do that!). I think one thing to remember is that while it is important to keep your business and work optimized, you can’t do that unless you let yourself put your guard down, relax, laugh and spend time with people you love – even if you have to schedule it in.
“or even bathroom breaks (seriously, I know a business owner who does do that!)”
…made my lol. So extreme!
“you can’t do that unless you let yourself put your guard down, relax, laugh and spend time with people you love – even if you have to schedule it in.”
Spot on! Great reminder.
Hi Lindsay and Bjork!
I do appreciate the way you guys are openly sharing your monthly earning reports – it’s incredibly zesty (to show how much you are earning with strangers) as well as inspiring (motivating many bloggers to just keep at it). Hope you get to find that balance that will keep you happy, specially during this festive season. Cheers – Ishita:)
Thanks Ishita! We were able to take some time to unplug over the holidays, hence the reason for responding to these comments almost three weeks late. 🙂
Bjork and Linsay,
I’ve been reading your income report pages and find them extremely interesting and very informative. You do an excellent job breaking things into digestable bites ( a good use of words for your blog). At this moment, I have two questions for you…
1. Why did you decide to use the income minus expenses number on your top image, that I am sure you post on Pinterest, instead of the higher total income number? I know working my 9-5 job I state my income before expenses and the higher number might bring even more traffic to your awesome site.
2. Do you feel that providing discounts for your products is going to have any long term effects and lower the perceived value of your products. As Derek Halperns latest you tube video suggests?
Thanks for following along Kevin. We really appreciate it!
1. We actually used to just report revenue. We switched to profit once we started earning a decent amount from the blog. Revenue can trick people into thinking that you “made” more then you actually did, so profit feels a bit more honest to me. I think some people might feel tricked if they see “$15,363.75” as the number above but then find that we had $5,000 in expenses. I’m a huge fan of the bottom line profit.
2. Great point! I’ve thought about this a lot and don’t have a good answer for it yet. We’re experimenting with pricing, so my opinion on this will probably be stronger this time next year. I really like what Derek has to say about offering bonuses instead of discounts.
I stay home with my three kids (under 5!) and I definitely find it hard to create a balance between blogging and experiencing life. The blog is a passion but sometimes it starts to feel like work that “needs” to be done. I try to take a step back often and really figure out my priorities. I need to take it day by day and decide if anyone is really going to care that much if I don’t post today or if I should take my kids to the library.
“The blog is a passion but sometimes it starts to feel like work that “needs” to be done”
I know the exact feeling Lindsay. I often feel like “works” needs to be done with Food Blogger Pro. It takes a lot of motivation to get going, but I often find out that I actually enjoy doing it once I get started. The hard part for me is starting, and, like you said, figuring out if it indeed is a priority for me to be doing it at that point in time.
Thanks for including my trademark link! I hope it’s helped you all along the way and good luck with the process!! 🙂
Thank you Julie! Great info.
This part is the most exciting for me, looking at the numbers and graphs, amazing guys! I noticed that when you started the income report you already gained thousands of visitors and regular viewers. My question is, how did you start gaining visitors? Do you used social media like Facebook, Google+ communities, twitter, etc… or you focused more on the SEO? Of course given that you have high quality content and excellent photos.
And these income reports helped us (bloggers) for motivation and hard work. Thank you so much Bjork and Lindsay for inspiring us and giving us unlimited with unconditional support… 🙂
Hey Bjork,
I have a couple of thoughts for you. First, you are so not alone in the struggle to balance. I think one key difference is that you work from home. I understand this completely because I’ve been running a medical writing company from home for seven years and you may experience what I do: you never get away from work. Even if you have an office or area where you work, it’s always there and at just about any down moment, you think of something you could be doing…and there you go. It’s not like other people who turn off their office light and drive home. By the time they get there, they’ve come out of work mode and hopefully into family mode. I have a hard time switching those gears.
This may be a wild thought, but it’s one that I have considered–have you ever thought about getting an outside work space? Just renting a little office somewhere where you could work and at 5:00, you turn things off and go home? I know there will be occasions when there will be something that has to be handled right away and leave you with those late work nights, but if it gets really hard to call it quits you may think about it.
We are all better with balance. And marriages are MUCH better with balance. I have 40 hours a week worth of medical writing jobs to do and a farm to run, but I blog to relieve stress and I make time to go to the gym a couple of mornings a week. Then I’m right back home and at it. You work better when you have an outlet, and you’ll be more efficient in the long run.
I also want to say how encouraging it was to see the timeline for POY’s first dollar and on. That gave me such hope. Y’all’s (that’s a word in the south) open, honest ways are so magnetic…just real people giving the rest of us real people something to aim a little higher for. Thanks for that! Merry Christmas!
Hey Bjork, you and Lindsay are awesome and are quite in inspiration. So much so that my wife and I are planning to start our own Food and Drink blog to guide others to make fun, fast, easy, and nutritious food with an Italian twist. It will eventually offer adventure food and wine tours to Italy and the Silk Road. The only thing stopping us is the name. I would love your and your readers’ views on our name ideas. Vote for the best name or suggest a better one:
RavioliAdventures.com, FlyingRavioliAdventures.com, FunFoodandDrinkAdventures.com, ZoomFoodieAdventures.com, Pazzo4FoodAdventures.com. Other ideas? We hope to have the site running in January 2014. I will probably go for your Food Blogger pro and your e-photo book once I am up and running. Thanks, Sal
I like Ravioli Adventures! It’s simple and memorable. 🙂
Thanks Lindsay! Ravioli Adventures is our favorite as well! I will let you know when we are up! Best, Sal
I love Ravioli Adventures too 🙂
Food and wine tours in Italy sound like my kind of heaven. What a great adventure I wish you all the best and I will be looking out for your blog and your tours! My mom in law and I were just saying the other day how much we would LOVE to do that.
Thanks for the encouragment JO and Lindsay! I am now putting the site together and trying to figure out the Thesis theme. I hope to start posting soon.
another fabulous month! I just implemented the swoop this month into my blog but I did it straight through the.. Don’t know if it’s the same CPM rate :/..
You guys are a HUGE inspiration to me. I originally started blogging in 2008-ish but became discouraged almost a year into it. It’s hard to keep working on a project and not receiving any encouragement back. I’m such a big fan of you guys, and I love the photography book! (I’m a photographer too) I just had to buy it! It was really easy to understand (great job) and food photography is it’s own thing, so I really appreciate the helpful hints. You all are just wonderful & I wish you both continued success! 🙂